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"Oh alright." Lin replied. "What time are we leaving?" I asked. "Um, probably 9 am." He answered. "Alri- ok." I replied. I always stop myself mid sentence to say something else that means the same thing. We waited for the bill and I followed Lin out to the car. I sat in the back seat, no reason. I looked out the window to see the stars twinkle in the sky. I saw a shooting star. "I wish that my new family will love me as much as I love them." I thought to myself. I dosed off and the next thing I knew we were at the hotel. I hopped out of the car and followed Lin inside. I was actually very tired. "Do you want to change first?" I asked, since I was always first to use the bathroom to get changed. "Oh no, it's fine." He replied as he got on the bed.

I changed quickly into my pj's and carefully took off my necklace, gently laying it on the top of my bag. I walked out of the bathroom to see Lin in his pj's already, sitting on the bed. He once again didn't notice me because of his phone. I decided to just grab my laptop and sit on the couch.

I opened up my laptop and went to Skype. I went into me and Jason's chat room.

Why hello friend

How was your meal with dad?

Pretty good, I guess.

I guess?

It was very awkward and quiet.

You could have just texted us.

But that's rude

Do you think he would care?


I looked over to see Lin, still on his phone, doing god knows what. I honestly think he still hasn't noticed me. I have to admit I do get attached to my laptop but not that much.

Von has logged on


What's up?

Nothing 😋

I'm leaving tomorrow so I'll text you as soon as I get there, promise!

How about we write letters?


That's cool!

Alright it's settled.

I closed my laptop and started to drift asleep. Hoping tonight I can finally have a lucid dream so I can control it

Dream POV, is that a thing?
Just going to walk to school like everyday. Oh look a dragon, that's something you don't see everyday. I casually looked at a sign. Absolute gibberish. W-wait, absolute gibberish? I'm in a dream! Ha yes, Maddie don't you dare wake up! I can control this world! I can imagine anything. Hey, it would be funny if that girl from the ring just popped up. Oh goddamnit there she is.

Maddie's POV irl

I woke up from my dream. I was having so much fun! But no, brain just has to think of the girl from the ring and screw me over. I looked over to see Lin passed out on the bed. I feel like I can't go back to sleep, that girl from the ring is going to pop up in that darkness when I'm not looking. I hid under my blankets hoping that it would help. I couldn't stop thinking about scary things.

It's okay Maddie, tomorrow all of your dreams will come true.

Every single one

I still can't get over dream POV and if it's a thing

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now