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I hadn't realized how long I've been sitting in the darkness alone. I opened my curtains to see the raindrops fall on top of the city. I wished I could for a walk, but I still don't think I should go out. I opened the window, the scent of rain filled my nose. My eyes shut, my body peaceful, for once, it sounded silent outside. The sounds of birds singing and the raindrops mixed together to make natures own music. I stuck my head out the window, I watched people move around, my favourite activity to do alone. I loved to watch how people act, walk, I'm basically a stalker. I watched buses go down the road.

The sounds of nature blocked the sounds of Lin playing piano, it sounded nice. The piano, birds and rain mixed together, to somehow create a beautiful song. As I watched people move around, my hands shook violently, they did this a lot. I tried to write something, but my mind was blank as soon as I picked up a pencil. My creativity wanted to get out, I could feel it deep inside of me. I have to many thoughts, so if I ever have a good one, it gets covered. I wish I was more like Lins side of the family, they're all talented.

My skin got goosebumps from the breeze. My brain was blank, at this point I had no thoughts. Lin had moved on to another song on the piano, it was familiar, yet so new to my brain. I listen to a lot of music, so I've probably heard it somewhere. People try to relate to me with my music, but I listen to everything.

I felt like my thoughts were trapped in my brain, I can't even try to let my thoughts become a reality. If I ever try to, my mind goes blank and I can't even move my hands. I went to a corner in my room and there. It was how I spent most of my time, in corners. I grabbed a pillow from my bed and just sat there. I think I love corners because they feel safe, nothing's behind you. A gust of cold wind hit my face, causing more goosebumps to form on my arms. I closed my eyes and listened to the sweet sounds of nature and Lin playing piano. I appreciate the little things, but never the big. I appreciate Lin teaching me piano, but not him feeding me, giving me a better home and helping me get out of my shell and become less of a introvert.

I shifted my pillow and I just laid on the ground, the birds sang right outside my window. I couldn't help but think about all the things one man has done for me. He took me into his life, he's trying to help me, but I can't just accept that I'm a idiotic introvert and just let him help. A small smile formed for no reason. I heard movement outside my door, but I didn't bother checking who it was, I knew it was Lin checking up on me.

I felt his presence outside my door. I didn't open my eyes, I sat there, head on my pillow, Lin either staring at me or at my room. I heard Lin laugh a little bit and walk out. I smiled.

I ran out of good music to write to..

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now