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I directed him to Boston Pizza. It wasn't too far away. Its also a very small city. We arrived, there were many people there, but we got a seat quick since they just finished cleaning one off. We sat down and ordered our drinks. "Well Maddie, it's your last day. Are you sure you want to leave?" Lin asked. "Yes." I replied quickly. I was very sure. His smile lit up the entire restaurant. I couldn't help smiling with him.

Our drinks came surprising fast. I already knew what I was getting, a Caesar salad. I got stuck in my thoughts so I didn't hear what Lin ordered. I heard my phone buzz in my pocket.

We can see you..

I looked out the window to see Von and Jason laughing as they saw me look at them. I couldn't help but giggle a little. That caught Lins attention and he looked over. He laughed as well surprisingly. They just left, still laughing. I'll miss them the most.

Since I was getting bored, I decided to inspect my necklace. It was made out of pure gold, with a piece of opal in the middle. I loved it, it was pretty, just like Muriel.

Lins POV because I still suck at filler

She talked about her dreams until we got to the hotel and she still continued. I did get stuck in my thoughts in the middle but I realized that she was still talking and got warped back into reality. She finally finished, I did get bored in the middle, but she was happy that I listened. "I'm going to wash up." She said as she headed to the bathroom. I realized she probably was hungry, (uh, let's just pretend that they ate food, because none of them ate in like the span of a week) since she was in a hospital. I'll ask her if she knows anywhere. I went on Twitter and just looked.

I finally heard the shower turn off. I just continued looking at funny things on the Internet. I didn't hear the door open or Maddie walk out so I assumed she was doing something, I don't know what but she's doing it. I looked over too see Maddie looking out the window. I was a little bit confused since I didn't hear her. I stared at her, I saw only her silhouette. She was sitting on the ledge but then went to stand. I took a photo since it was beautiful. She looked over and giggled. "Let me see!" She giggled again. She got on the bed beside me and I showed her. She was amazed.

"Do you want to go out to eat?" I asked. "Actually, that'd be great!" She replied. "Do you know anywhere good?" I asked. "Boston Pizza's pretty good." She replied. She looked at the window. "Great! Do you think you could direct me there? I don't know the place really good." I asked. I looked at the window to see if anything was there. "Yep! I know this place top to bottom." She replied proudly.

I feel bad for not making a chapter quicker.

Distant Father | Adopted By Lin-Manuel Miranda (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now