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I want you guys to be more aware of what's really going on in this country. Watch the news, do your research, read everything you see.

This is OUR country and this is also the country for whoever wants to inhabit it. I refuse to let my generation be the last generation because Donald Trump wants to dictate America and how is runs with foreign countries and ourselves.

Do what you have to. Speak out more, protest and understand without coming together as people. This country WILL fall apart. We literally have to be united at this time more than ever.

Take the time out to look around guys, this isn't the country of Freedom any longer. Our freedom has literally been taken away from us. It's time to take it back. Even the smallest effort contributes a whole lot.

Educate yourselves please.

I love you guys. If you're involved in any of the protest especially protest against the Muslim Ban and this stupid fucking wall coming out of our money. Please be safe. I want the best for you guys and I don't want anyone getting hurt(especially in bigger cities.)

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