Please Don't. Just Fucking Don't.

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I don't take suicide as a joke, I don't think it's cute to "claim" you're going to take your life.

I think that's the most self shit you could ever do in life. Some of you are like "Mahogany, how the hell can you say that?"

Because I can and I've been there.

I told you guys I've self harmed for YEARS and it almost cost me my life-multiple times along with eating disorders.

Don't message me or whatever saying you want to die

1. Because I'm going to virtually slap the shit out of you.

2. I care about you.

I hate when people - especially you middle schoolers..hate yourselves.

What is there to hate?

I'm not ragging on anybody, I'm just saying from experience and as a general topic.

I'm an understanding person. I get it if you get beaten down, kicked down, or pushed around by people or life.

I know. I know.

Suicide and Gang Violence is the most common cause of death of teens in the last twenty years.

Saying you're going to "kill" yourself or you "hate" yourself pisses me off to the extreme.

Life is too damn short and precious to walk around downing yourself.

If I meet you guys outside of wattpad and I found out you were cutting or starving yourself.

Your ass is grass.

Yes cutting does make the pain go away.

But, what happens when you cut too deep or too close?

Yes being a fucking size zero is perfect to the media and fucking ignorant imbeciles.

To be human is to be beautifully flawed.

And from what I know, everyone as humans, we are all fucked up.

Nobody's perfect ask Hannah Montana.

If you're having problems, you can tell me. I'll listen. We can have a serious conversation and I'll promise to put a smile on your face in the end.

Suicide is a mistake, in my opinion. No, I don't think it's a cowardly thing. There's a lot of courage and strength behind that.

I just don't agree with how people go about it. Life was intended to be lived, so why not live it to the fullest.

Do crazy shit. Go streaking. Go on a hike. Fucking get high if you want to.

Just don't say I told you to or get arrested.

Just love yourselves alright?

Because I love you.

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