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Hey! I just wanna say that I'm so proud of some of you guys. I know how hard it is to come out to your parents.

With friends it's even harder. Because you don't know if they'll accept you or not.

With parents it's not as bad because most of you are like "fuck my parents" but, it changes lol.

If you're thinking about coming out. Make sure it's because you want to and its for the right reasons.

I know some girls pretend to be lesbian or bisexual for like a fucking day. Don't do that. Don't.

I never understood that. Don't test the fucking water if it's hot, and you know you like cold water. Like Jesus fucking Christ.

When I came out to my mom four years ago when I was thirteen, in the 8th grade. It wasn't cool to like girls. I got ALOT of shit for it until my junior year. So eight , nine months ago.

I kid you fucking not, it's been 10, 11, 12 and some 13 year olds hitting on me and telling me "You're hot af."

Like what the hell.

Shouldn't you be...I don't know playing hopscotch or fucking reading yes! Reading.

Age is not just a number.

I'm not trying to go to jail America. We can be friends. Maybe best friends but, no no. I've been chased with a shotgun by a girl's dad like no.

I like my life .

Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Be yourself, you'll love it alot better.

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