It's Okay

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You afraid of dark? Me too sometimes.

You get bullied/talked about? I did too.

You have a dream? Chase it, achieve it and live like you're dying.

Don't have friends? Neither do I but, I'll be your friend. I'm just crazy, I have a warning label.

You wanna talk about your problems? I'll listen and you give advice. 99% chance i've been there and gor through it.

You wanna talk about how stupid guys are or that guy in your science class you like? We can.

You wanna talk about that girl you like? We can.

Wanna fangirl over the girls, the 1975, lana, fucking justin bieber! Lol we can.

Think I'm cool? I'm not I promise.

I like Elvis.

I'm not narcissistic, I promise.

Talking to you guys is fun but,  some of you also scare me. Alot.

I'm pretty open with you guys, I mean you respond and don't think I'm crazy.

I open doors for women and let them go first but, I hate when its done for me.

I just saw a cheerio commercial I kinda want some. I hate chocolate. And no I am not an Alien,  chocolate just doesn't go with me.

I dislike pizza.

People tell me at times I "look" like Normani. I get offended for her because, she's sooooooooo fucking gorgeous. Like no no no. I don't have the face or abs to even look like her.

I hate yellow.

I feel bad when I say things that are like rants and people retweet them and I'm like "noo! Stop it. Don't retweet me."

I believe America is a ugly place simple because of the hate, cruelty and how the internet has the ability to massively effect and destroy people's person lives.

I don't understand how we can live in a country were nobody does anything for anbody. I feel like if at least one person can change the world why can't we all come together and change it.

Why is it that people only care when it's happening to them but, not to others?

Most people think I'm an idiot but, I'm not. I wish I could use more than 10% of my brain.

I do believe the mind is a terrible thing to waste because the mind is so beautifully designed and it holds so much and people waste it.

Growing up I wanted to be an actress but, then I began playing instruments and the rest is history.

I have notes that I wrote all five girls in my pocket just in case I meet them one day.

I don't quite understand how racism is still prevalent and occurring. I don't understand the justice system can defend rights favoring the minority. Even though I have government and I sit in class , it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant people in power have became and how much America has fallen.

I use craiglist more than more a day.

When I was a kid I use to stay up late just to watch MTV, I've never been but I really love the beach.

I don't know what anatomically correct means.

I like finding new words.

I feel like doing YouTube videos..

Anyways, I love you guys! Check out the one shots → The Adventures of much easier to write.

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