It's been 3 weeks since then.

Jon hasn't moved from our bed. He won't eat. He won't sleep. He won't shower. He won't talk. He won't do ANYTHING! But there's one thing he still does. I don't know how to stop it. He's clever, he slips out of bed when I'm asleep and the only evidence I have is the fresh scars that appear on his stomach every day. I'm losing him again. What little weight he gained in the year he's been home has gone. I was scared to leave him alone. He refused to come to work with me but I knew I couldn't leave him. I rang in sick for a week but in the end, I had to leave him.

I was driven sick with worry for the entire day but when I got home, he was still lying in the same position I left him in. If I hadn't seen the new scars littering his skin, I wouldn't have thought he even moved a muscle.

"Hey, princess" I greeted him, I had just got back from work."How have you been?" I sat on the bed next to him and entwined my fingers with his. "The students miss you, they keep asking where you are" I kissed the back of his hand. "Did you do anything whilst I was at work?" I tugged at the hem of his jumper and sighed when I saw 3 new cuts. I kissed every single one of them that decorated his stomach. "I love you, princess, don't leave me" I kissed his lips softly "I'm going to have a shower, do you want to join me?" I may as well have been talking to a wall "Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me"

I had to find a way to his everything in this house that he could use as a blade. I had already installed a lock on the cutlery and bathroom cupboard. He couldn't use a knife of my razor... what else could he be using? Unless he knew how to pick the damn locks....

"Ben?" A small voice said tentatively "C-can I join you?" I poked my head around the shower curtain to see Jon standing there, fiddling with his sleeve. I beamed at him.

"Of course you can!" He peeled off the jumper and jeans that he had been wearing for 3 weeks straight and stepped into the shower. I pulled him close to me, kissing every inch of his face. " I love you so much, princess" I breathed in his ear.

"I love you too" He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into me "I'm sorry" He mumbled into my chest.

"It's going to be okay, baby boy, I promise" I dolloped some shampoo onto my hand and started to massage it into Jon's scalp. He sighed in content. Once I had washed his hair, I squirted some body wash onto my hands and rubbed them until they were foamy. When I reached his lower stomach, I hesitated.

"Why did you stop?" He murmured as he opened his eyes

"Are you okay with me touching you here?"

"Ben, you're my husband, of course you can touch me there" Jon rolled his eyes at me

"Just wanted to make sure"

"You're too sweet" He smiled. I washed his lower stomach and sex carefully before moving to wash his legs "Can I wash you?"

"Sure, baby" He repeated my actions but when he reached my cock, he started to pump me slowly. "Oh, fuck" I exhaled. I tried to find something to grip onto, Jon was the only option. I leaned against him, looping my arms around his neck.

"You're so big, Benny" Jon hummed as he pumped me faster. I groaned. Isn't that what every man wants to hear? "I love having your big, thick cock inside me. You fill me up so good, Benny"

"Let me fill you up" I groaned "Please?"

"Do it, please!" I picked him up and and held him against the tiled wall. He grabbed my cock and positioned it at his entrance. He sank down onto my length. I thrusted into him harshly, his jaw dropped open. I sunk my teeth into his shoulder, he squeaked in surprise but then, surprisingly, moaned at the pain.

I massaged his balls in my hand as I gripped his waist in my other one. His legs bracketed my hips tightly as his hands clawed at my back. I started to bounce him against the wall, creating pleasurable friction for him. I removed my teeth from his shoulder and moaned with him.

"You're so beautiful" I grunted as I thrusted even harder into him.

"Oh! Oh! Oh god!" He gasped "Ben! H-harder!" I grinned and thrusted so hard up into him that he screamed, his nails digging harder into my back.

"Too rough?" I asked in between pants. He shook his head "Tell me if it is" A couple more thrusts had him spilling his load over me. "Should I stop?"

 "No" He groaned "Carry on" My thrusts got sloppier and sloppier until I reached my ultimate peak. He clenched around me at the sensation, causing me to cum even harder.  

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