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I doubled up in pain as Harry's fist made contact with my stomach for the fifth time. He and his posse burst into a fit of laughter as I dropped to my knees, curling up to protect myself.

"Get up, nigger" Sam hissed. I was shaking with anger as I stood up, my fists clenched so tight my knuckles were turning white."You're worthless, you know?" I felt a sharp kick behind my knees, causing me to tumble to the ground again. It was an endless cycle of punches and kicks. There was no point trying to fight back,there was five of them and one of me. They would win and the do every time.

"You niggers are all a waste of-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I was you" A male voice growled from behind me. I whipped around to see Jake towering above me. He didn't even know me, what the hell was he doing?! "Now tell me, what the hell has Adrian done to you, huh?" He folded his arms, not even acknowledging me.

"He's black" Jake burst out laughing "W-what?"

"Do you want an effing medal?" Except, he didn't say 'effing' "Well done! You have eyes! Adrian is effing black! How the eff does that affect you? He's just a sweet, innocent kid trying to get by in life! What next, you going to pick on me because I'm effing ginger? I bet you all the money in the world that you're only picking on Adrian because you're all scared yourself. Do you think that bullying Adrian is going to make your mother better? Going to stop your Dad beating you? Going to make a nice family want to foster you? Whatever the hell your problem is, Adrian being your punchbag isn't going to solve it! So I suggest you leave him the eff alone or I'll be knocking on your doors, understand?" Every single one of them nodded "Now scram"

"What did you do that for?" I asked, still in shock

"A thank you would have been nice" He smiled, ruffling my hair "Are you okay? Did those kids hurt you?" He crouched down to my level.

"I'm okay"

"Adrian, tell me what they did to you" He said gently

"You don't even know me, why do you care?"

"Because my sister killed herself when she was 7 and I don't want the same thing to happen to you"

"It won't!"

"Yeah, that's what they all say until you find them dangling from the ceiling because the kids at school just got too much for them to handle" He said bitterly

"I'm sorry, Jake" I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him

"Usually when people say that they don't mean it" He said sadly as his arms hugged me back "But you're different, kid" He paused "My sister would have been 18 today, I wanted to do something special for it"

"You have" I told him "You saved my butt even though this is the first time we've met. Although, I did see you sleeping on our couch last night"

"I really need to sort my sleeping schedule out" He smiled as he let go of me "C'mon, lets get you home" He stood up straight.

"Can I hold your hand?" I asked hopefully. He nodded and I clutched his hand tightly "I always wanted an older brother" I hinted suggestively. Jake turned his head to look at me, a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"You want me to be your older brother?"

"Only if you want to" I said shyly

"Of course I do" He grinned

"But if you break up with Gabrielle, I'll kick your butt" I warned

"Don't worry, I won't" He chucked "I love her a lot, I promise I'll take care of her"


"Tell your sister, I'll call her later" He said just before we reached my house

"You're not coming in?"

"I would but I just want to be alone for a while because it's my sisters birthday" He explained

"Okay, I hope you feel better" I tugged on his arm so he would bend down to my level. When he did, I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him again. "I love you"

"I love you too, buddy" He pecked me on the forehead and gave me a quick squeeze "I'll see you later"

"Bye, Jake"

I skipped into the house, beaming.

"Hey, sweetheart. Good day at school?" Ma greeted from the kitchen

"Yep! What's cooking, Ma?" I grinned as I entered the kitchen.

"I've told you a million times, Adrian. Call me 'Mum' please?"

"No can do, Ma" I chirped. She pretended to wack me around the head with a ladle "Where's Gabby?"

"In her room doing homework, don't disturb her" I bounded upstairs and burst into her room. Her head snapped up from the book she was writing in.

"Gabby! Gabby! You'll never guess what!"

"What?" She asked wearily "Adrian, I have so much homework, make it quick"

"Jake rescued me!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" She frowned

"Those boys were beating me up and calling me the n word and Jake appeared and told them all to eff off or he'll be knocking on their doors"

"He did?" She grinned "Awww, he's adorable. Wait, he told me that we should just leave you be"

"Well he told me that his sister killed herself when she was 7 because she got bullied and he didn't want the same thing to happen to me. That's why he didn't come in, he walked me home and told me to tell you he'll call you later, but he wants to be alone because it's his sisters 18th birthday today. Also! I asked Jake to be my brother and he said yes! You're not allowed to break up with him!"

 "I won't, I promise" She grinned, pulling me in for a hug.

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