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I noticed that Jake was being unusually quiet and the walk to school. His eyebrows were furrowed together and his lips were set in a firm line. I linked our fingers together, wanting to be as close to him as possible. I peeked up at him through my lashes. There was something wrong with his left eye, sure it was blinking and moving in sync with his right eye but he didn't seem to be seeing anything. For a moment I pondered whether to ask him or not but my mouth blurted it out before I could stop myself. Jake blinked a few times before eventually sighing.

"I'm blind in my left eye" He told me sadly "But things that come in pairs are overrated anyway"

"Except your arms, legs, lungs, hands, feet-"

"Alright, I get the idea" He interrupted

"And us" I added. His lips quirked up at the corners and he squeezed my hand. "Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"No, everyone's going to have a field day coming up with rumours" He sad bitterly "You've heard all the rumours that are already going round" I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek reassuringly.

Once we arrived, I paused outside the gates. Jake was chewing his lip nervously as he fiddled with a button on his blazer. I wish I could do something to make him smile, properly smile, because his smile is so beautiful. His lips turn up lopsidedly and his mocha eyes squish up adorably as his cheeks blush a light pink. I haven't seen him smile like that for a while now. Wordlessly, I grab his cheeks and kiss him for a long time. When we break away, we're both breathless and there is a hint of his smile playing on his lips. I slip my hand in his and lead him into school.

At first, everything was fine. No paid enough attention to him to even comment of his appearance. Still, he remained close to my side, his palm was clammy but I didn't mind too much.

"Jake, you still haven't eaten your breakfast" I pointed out

"What are you? My mother?" He grumbled as he took the bar out of his pocket and unwrapped it.

"You're too skinny, it's unfair" I pouted, poking his non-existent stomach, he flinched "I'm sorry"

"It's okay" He mumbled as he took a small bite, it took him awhile to small it. The bar must have been dust in his mouth by the time he finally did. "Do I have to eat this?"

"Yes or I'll call your dad to tell him" I threatened

"You have my dad's number?" He asked in surprise

"Uh, yeah" I admitted "He gave it to me just in case" He rolled his eyes and took another bite.

"Gabby!" Becky squealed excitedly, running towards me to hug meme tightly "I have to tell you something!" She glanced behind meat Jake "Jeez, what happened to him?"

"Shut up" I hissed "So, what is it?"

"I can't tell you when he's there, this is private!" She tugged on my arm "Come over here"


"Yeah, it's fine. I'll go find Ash or something" Jake interrupted abruptly


"See you" He stalked off before I could stop him. I sighed before turning back to Becky.

"Anyway, so basically..." Becky droned on and on about her new boyfriend. Normally, I would be full of excitement for her but today my mind was only fixed on one thing, Jake. He was so snappy towards me and I'm not going to pretend I didn't hear the jeering comments thrown at him as he walked past. "Are you even listening?" Becky asked, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind" I mumbled

"Jake?" She supplied


"What happened to his face?"

"I don't know" I answered hurriedly, I knew he wouldn't want anyone to know the truth and I couldn't come up with a believable lie. "I need to go find him"


"Found him" Becky pointed to where the yelling came from

"YOU HEAR ME? YOU LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE!" My jaw dropped open in horror. Jake had pinned an obnoxious boy called Darren against the wall in a choke hold. Darren was gasping for air, struggling to escape from his grip and his face started to turn red. There was a blur, I could heard the crunch as Darren's nose snapped under Jake's fist. A red waterfall gushed down his face. "SO WHAT IF MY PARENTS ARE GAY? SO FUCKING WHAT? HEY, EVERYONE! MY PARENTS ARE GAY! I'M ADOPTED! NOW YOU ALL KNOW! YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING ELSE TOO?" I rushed up to him and tried to drag him away from Darren, but he wouldn't budge.

"JAKE! LET GO OF HIM!" I yelled

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Mr Smith roared "JAKE COOKE, LET GO OF HIM RIGHT NOW!" He wrenched Jake's arms off Darren and dragged him away by the scruff of his blazer. Darren dropped like a weight, massaging his throat as he took huge breaths. I squatted down beside him.

"Are you alright?" I asked worriedly

"What the fuck do you see in him?" He glared

"What did you say to him?"

"Relax, not my fault the fuckers so sensitive. I just made a crack about his parents"

"What. Did. You. Say?" I hissed

"Nothing!" He stood up and dusted himself off "Tell your boyfriend to leave me the fuck alone" I grabbed his elbow and yanked him back to slap him around the face.

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