Time skip (1 month later)

Excitedly, Jon and I waited for the door in front of us to open. We were going to be parents in less than 5 minutes! The door couldn't open fast enough. Jon gripped my hand tightly and kissed my cheek. I squeezed his hand and closed my eyes. The door opened. Time froze. There he was.

He squealed with excitement and sprinted towards us, we scooped him up and hugged him tightly. His once tamed hair was now a fluffy mess on top of his head but neither of us minded too much.

"Are you going to be my parents now?!" He asked breathlessly

"Yes, Jake" I laughed

"Wait" He frowned "I can't call you both daddy, that would be confusing"

"Daddy" Jon pointed to me "Papa" He pointed to himself. I grinned and pecked him on the lips.

"Okay!" Jake smiled "Are my real Mummy and Daddy angels too?"

"They're with your sister now, Jake" Jon assured him

"You won't turn into an angel, right?" He asked anxiously, looking more at Jon than me

"He won't and neither will I for a long time, I promise" I kissed Jake on the forehead.

"Sorry to interrupt, Jake's stuff is in this bag, you can go when you're ready" A woman informed us. We thanked her and promptly left after collecting Jake's things.

Jake babbled excitedly as he hopped, skipped and jumped alongside us, tightly holding our hands. I wish my parents were still here to see this moment, I hope they were proud of me. That's all I ever wanted, for them to be proud of me. They were both gone and I had achieved so much without them here to see. I had survived cancer, volunteered at charities, have a successful job, got married and now I have a child. Why can't you be here to see?

"Daddy, Papa, I'm tired. How much further?" Jake panted

"Not long" Jon assured him "Do you want me to carry you?"

"Can I have a piggy-back, Papa?!" He asked

"Sure" Jon chuckled. He crouched down to Jake's level so he could easily climb onto his back.

"I love you two so much" I kissed Jon on the lips and Jake on the forehead

"Love you, Daddy!" Jake grinned so wide, his eyes went all squinty

"I love you too, Benny"

"Papa, am I too heavy?" Jake frowned

"No, why?"

"You're really slim, Papa, bony too"

"Papa finds it hard to eat a lot, Jake" I explained "He also finds it hard to sleep and he has a lot of nightmares-"

"Is there a monster under the bed, Papa?" Jake interrupted "I'll get rid of it!"

"No, Jake, but if there is, I'll let you know" Jon said with a small smile

"Jake, listen to me"

"Sorry, Daddy"

"It's okay, buddy, I just want to tell you that Papa gets very sad a lot of times and that it's hard for him to be around people he doesn't know very well"

"Oh, Papa" He kissed Jon's head "I'll look after you, I love you"

"I love you too" Jon's face was lit up with happiness, I'm so glad we made this decision.

 Welcome home, Jake.

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