I flipped Jon onto his front and attacked his lips with mine. His fingers knotted in my hair, tugging harshly, as I bit his bottom lip. He gasped as the bitter, metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

"B-Benny" He whimpered as I sunk my teeth into his neck. His legs wrapped around me as he desperately grinded up against me "I'm s-sorry" I snaked a hand down between us and grabbed on tightly to the front of his jeans, massaging it with my hand. He arched his back in pleasure as his hands tugged up the hem of my T-Shirt. I slapped them away, grasping his wrists in one hand and holding them above his head.

Roughly, I ripped off his clothes and sat back on my haunches to admire the view in front of me. Legs spread, lips bitten and bloody, skin flushed and a small trickle of scarlet was dribbling down his pretty neck. He squirmed slightly as I sat and stared at him, obviously uncomfortable. Quickly, I grabbed his shirt and tied it around his head, ensuring he couldn't see a thing. I slicked up my member with matter of seconds and thrusted into him, clamping my mouth over his to swallow his screams.

"B-Benny" He sobbed. Instantly, concern and worry filled me. I pulled off his blindfold and peppered his face in loving kisses.

"Princess, I'm so sorry" I mumbled, shame flooding my face "I'm so sorry" As gently as possible, I pulled out of him.

"No! I... you.... you just surprised me" Jon grabbed me "Please"

"Baby boy, I can't.... I hurt you"

"Benny, please do something! It hurts!" He pleaded

"What do you want me to do, baby boy?" I asked softly

"Fill me up, Benny. Make me feel warm and tingly. Make me yours,Benny"

"We'll go nice and slow, okay?"

"Okay, Benny" He lay back down and opened up his legs again. Just the sight of his pretty hole clenching around nothing, begging to be filled up, was enough to make me salivate.

"Hold on, let me just put on some lube" I kissed him delicately

"We don't need any, Benny. I know you won't hurt me"


"Benny, we don't have all day"

"Tell me if I hurt you"

"You won't"

I pushed his thighs down flat on the bed, luckily he was pretty flexible so it didn't hurt him anymore. Slowly, I eased my tip inside him. Awaiting his permission to go further, he nodded. Once I was fully inside, I let him adjust, rubbing his thighs soothingly as his breathing got heavier.

"So tight for me, aren't you?" I murmured. He couldn't even formulate a response "Princess, are you okay?" Still, he didn't reply "Baby, talk to me" His breathing rapidly increased and he started to tremble beneath me "Princess, it's okay. It's okay, breathe. Copy me, in and out" Gently, I rolled us over so he was laying on top of me, breathing shallowly into my chest. "Talk to me, baby boy, you're scaring me" I ran my fingers through his hair to soothe him.

"I'm sorry, Benny" He whispered "I'm sorry"

"Hey, don't be, baby" I kissed the top of his head "Tell me what happened"

"It's stupid"

"No it's not. Tell me, or I'll tickle you"


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