"Use your tongue" I instructed shakily. Ashleigh hummed, sending vibrations through my penis, it took everything I had to not buck up into her mouth. Delicately her tongue dipped into my slit and slid along the throbbing vein on the underside of my penis. My toes curled at the sensation. "Fuck" I exhaled as she swallowed around me. Desperately, I fought the urge to tangle my hands in her hair and thrust into her mouth. "A-Ash, I'm g-gonna-" She pulled off abruptly.

"Was that okay?" She asked eagerly. I threw my head back and groaned, desperate for her warm mouth back on my penis "Jake?"

"Just let me jerk off real quick" I muttered

"Oh, sorry. Do you want me to suck you off again?" I didn't even have time to respond before I was enveloped by warm wetness. After a couple of bobs, I came into her mouth. I bit down harshly on my bottom lip as I arched my back and let out a muffled groan.

For the second time, she surfaced and looked at me for feedback. I closed my eyes, panting as I came down from my high. That was so much better than anything I've ever experienced before.

"Your lip is bleeding" She said "Jake, are you alright?"

"It's called an orgasm, leave me alone" I mumbled

"Oh yeah" She laughed "But did I do okay?"

"You were amazing" I told her as I sat up and pushed my damp hair off my forehead

"Good" She grinned "But next time, shirt off"

"No way" I hopped off the bed and shoved on my boxers and school trousers

"Why not?" She cocked her head to one side "You've seen me naked plenty of times" Yeah, but you don't look like a fucking whale I thought bitterly. "Jake, you're cute. Stop being insecure"

"Ash..." I chewed on my sore lip, the taste of metal filling my mouth

"Let me get you some lip balm" She said softly. She rested her hand on my hip as she slicked some thick lip balm on my lips. "Jake, have you lost weight?"

"No" I ducked my head. I had lost 2 and a half stone but it wasn't enough, it all needed to go. I was so fat, why the hell was she mocking me like this?

"Don't lie to me" She frowned as she prodded my stomach. I flinched and recoiled from her touch "Are you dieting?" She questioned, her mouth in a narrow line

"No" Does starving count as dieting?

"Why are you dieting?" She demanded

"I'm not dieting" I said stubbornly

"You're skin and bone! Why didn't I notice this sooner? I'm telling your parents"

"You don't even know my parents" I snapped "They've got enough problems"

"What the hell is the matter with you?!"


Ashleigh grabbed me and shoved me roughly against the wall, I winced as my spine made contact with the solidness behind me. She tried to unbutton my shirt but I shoved her away. Hurt flickered across her face but I didn't make any sign to acknowledge it. I grabbed my bag and practically ran out of the room, only stopping to step into my shoes.

The night air was warm, too warm. I felt like I was being slowly roasted on an open fire. I jumped slightly when I felt a vibration in my pocket. Ashleigh: Jake, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry xx I was just about to lock my phone when it burst into life, Dad was calling.

"Jake, are you nearly home?" He asked as soon as the call went through

"I just left Ashleigh's" I mumbled

"Are you alright? You sound like you've been crying" His voice softened

"I'm fine" I replied stiffly

"Jake, tell me what happened" He said sternly

"We had an argument" I sighed "I snapped at her and I feel really bad"

"I'm sure you two will make up in a couple of hours, just a silly little fight" He assured me

"I gu-" Suddenly I walked into a man stood in front of me "Sorry"I mumbled, stepping out of his way.

All of a sudden his cold fingers grasped my wrist and slammed me against a brick wall. His face was shadowed by street lamps, his hooded eyes gleamed under their reflections. My phone was snatched out of my hand.

"GET OFF ME!" I shrieked "LET GO! DAD! DAD! DAD!" The man shoved a material of some kind into my mouth, gagging me. I choked as it hit the back of my throat. He pinned my wrists above my head with one large hand, his knee was pressed into my stomach.

"Remember me?" He growled down the line "I'm sure your precious princess will... He's mine now" He threw back his head and laughed "Good luck" Then he threw my phone on the floor and stomped on it. The gag was ripped out of my mouth. "If you make a fucking sound, you will regret it. Understand?" I nodded, panic flooding my entire body. Who was he?! Why did he know Papa?! He took me to a sleek, black car. "Get in" He ordered. Clumsily, I slotted myself into the car, buckling myself up.

"W-what's gonna happen to me?" I whispered "What did I do?"

"Maybe you should ask your Papa that" He snapped. I flinched and huddled up in a ball "But he's under heavy protection with his prince charming so you're the next best thing"

"That didn't answer the question..."

"DON'T GET FUCKING SMART TO ME, KID!" He roared. I whimpered and moved as far away from him as possible.

The drive seemed impossibly long. I rested my head against the cool glass of the window beside me and slipped into a dreamless sleep. I awoke in a dingy, must smelling room. Although I could not see anyone, I could feel a pair of eyes watching my every move. I groaned and sat up.

"People usually put up more of a fight, you know" An amused voice said in the darkness

"Who are you?"

"Doesn't matter, no one for all you need to know" A woman dressed in a sleazy outfit stepping into my line of vision "I'm just the messenger"

"Where am I? What's going on?"

"You've been taken" She said "Put those on" I looked to where she pointed. Lacy underwear, thigh-highs and a bralette.

"I'm a boy" I frowned

"And?" She snapped before softening "Sorry, kid. Like I said,I'm just the messenger. I was in your position too, I'm just like you"

"Please tell me what's going on" I hugged my knees to my chest "I just want to go home"

"Too late for that. Once you get taken, you ain't ever going back.Get dressed, he'll be here soon"

"Can you turn around?" I asked timidly. She nodded and faced the wall.

The underwear gave me an instant wedgie and it took me a while to figure out how to put on the bralette. Eventually I was dressed. I knew I looked ridiculous. My cheeks flooded with shame.

"Are you done, sweetie?" I choked out a 'yes' "Baby, don't cry"She wiped a stray tear with her thumb. "He's going to love you" I was unsure whether to be happy or not at that.

"This is so wrong! Why won't you tell me what's going on?!" I cried

"You really want to know?"


"You're a sex slave"

 Then the door opened.

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