"Benny, give me a cuddle" He pulled my down on top of him and buried his head in the crook of my neck "I love you, babe" I kissed his forehead numerous times.

"W-why w-would he s-s-say th-that?" Ben wept into my neck "W-was I too h-harsh?"

"No, Benny" I assured him "He fully deserves it. It's only because he's not used to being told off, he's generally a good kid.He knows he's in the wrong, he's just too stubborn"

"Yeah, like you" Ben mumbled

"Shut up" I grinned

"Am I wrong?" He looked up at me

"Shush" I smiled, pecking him on the lips "I love you"

"I love you too, princess" Gently he pulled my head down onto his shoulder and kissed my temple "Do you think Jake meant what he said?" He asked quietly

"Of course not! He loves you, Benny! You know he does, Benny" I cocked my head in the direction of the stairs as I heard a pair of footsteps. "I think that's him now"

Slowly, the door opened and Jake stepped inside. He raked a hand through his hair and nervously perched on the edge of the sofa.

"Dad, I'm sorry" Jake began "I didn't mean what I said, I'm glad you're my dad. I really am. I love you so much. I was just mad and said the first thing I could think of. You're the best dad in the world, I wouldn't replace you with my real parents for the world. I'm so sorry, Dad. I love you" I slipped off Ben's lap so him and Jake could hug. Ben wrapped his arms around him protectively, peppering his face in kisses.

"I love you so much, Jake" Ben mumbled in his ear "I'm sorry about earlier, I just don't want you to fail"

"Dad, it's fine. I totally overreacted" He paused "But could you help me with my homework?" He asked sheepishly

"Sure, Jake. But I will HELP you not do it for you, understood?"

"Yes, sir" Jake grinned as he stood up

"Although, if it's maths, ask your papa" Ben looked over at me

"Christ, your dad couldn't do maths to save his life" I chuckled. Jake smiled and jogged out of the room.

Ben grabbed me and pulled me down, tickling my sides. I giggled and tried to squirm away from him but he held me tightly.

"Benny! Stop!" I gasped, clutching at his arms "Stop!" He blew a raspberry on the sensitive skin on my neck, causing me to shriek. He pinned me down on the sofa and suddenly the raspberry he was blowing turned into a gentle bite, his teeth grinded my skin between his teeth. I let out a breathy moan and tilted my head to one side to allow him more access.

"Are you a vampire or something?" I giggled, wincing slightly as he broke my skin and licked the trickle of blood

"Mhm, maybe" He murmured "I love your taste"

"The taste of my blood?" Ben licked a strip up my neck and didn't answer "Benny?" I pushed his chest "Benny, answer me"

"I..." He trailed off "Baby, just forget what I said"

"Benny, you can tell me anything"

"Yeah, I know but trust me you don't want to hear this" Ben tried to sit up but I clutched at his T-shirt "Baby, let go"

"Not until you tell me what's up"

"You think you are strong enough to keep me in this position?" He snorted in amusement

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