"So what's the problem?" Sabrina asked as she helped me upstairs.

"Will you please not tell your employer? He's my husbands father and this is a something my husband doesn't want him to know"

"Who do you take me for?" Sabrina chuckled "I don't tell him anything"

"Good" I opened mine and Jon's bedroom door and flicked on the light, luckily, Jon was still knocked out from the sleeping pills"Okay, this is going to be embarrassing"

"Try me, I've probably had worse"

"Alright" I took a deep breath "So, last night, me and my husband were having sex and I guess I was a little rough because he's in a lot of pain and he was bleeding earlier"

"Jeez, what are you? 40? And you have a better sex life than me"

"Shut up, I am not 40"

Sabrina rolled my eyes and asked me if it was okay to examine Jon's ass. I pulled back the covers and hurriedly discarded of Jon's underwear, which seemed so inappropriate right now. Sabrina simply arched an eyebrow but didn't question it. I watched as she separated his ass cheeks before delving into her shoulder bag for a tube of something and clear, vinyl gloves. She applied a creamy, thick substance to the gloves and slipped a finger inside Jon, who jerked in his sleep.

"This situation is just about to get more embarrassing for you, I'm afraid" Sabrina announced

"Oh god, why?" I groaned

"Do you happen to know the size of your penis when erect?"

"Somewhere around 8 inches" I muttered. She nodded and slipped enough finger into Jon, scissoring them to open him up slightly. Jon was squirming about, mumbling under his breath.

"Can you help me out? He's moving around too much"

"Uh, sure" I climbed onto the bed and sat on Jon's lower back

"Benny" Jon whimpered, grinding against the bed

"Baby, wake up" I shook him gently "It's not me"

An ear-piercing shriek rattled around the room. Wincing, I clamped my hand over Jon's mouth and kissed the back of his neck. His hands scratched at mine, desperately trying to wrench my hand off his mouth. I could feel his tears dripping through my fingers. I climbed off his back and dropped to the floor in front of him.

"If I take my hand away, will you promise not to scream?" He nodded "Good boy" I let go of his face and grasped his hands instead. "It's okay, baby. It's okay" I kissed him softly, wiping his tears with my thumb "Sabrina is just examining you, okay? Just breathe, okay?"

"It hurts, Benny" He mumbled, his knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping my hands

"I know, baby" I nuzzled into him "Just lie still and breathe properly, okay? I love you" Jon whimpered and bit on my finger. "Ow, baby. Let go of me" His teeth only sunk deeper into my skin.

"Alright" Sabrina eventually said "How are you feeling, Jon?"

"Shit" Jon muttered, finally releasing my finger which was now bleeding and slightly bruised.

"Well no wonder" She smiled "Tell your husband to keep his 8 inches in his pants for a while"

"Oh god, what have you done to me, Benjamin?" Jon groaned

"He's damaged your prostate and rim. I've put on some ointment which will help soothe it. It will repair over time-"

"How long are you going to deny me of making love to my husband?" I sighed

"A month at least"

"A month?!" I exclaimed

"Going to the toilet is going to be very painful, afterwards, you'll have to put this ointment on his prostate and rim. I'll checkup on him again in a month. Absolutely, NO sex, alright?"


"Promise me?"

"I promise" I surrendered

"Good, now lets leave your husband be for a bit. You need your pills, mister"

"Benny" Jon mumbled, grabbing onto my shirt

"Sab, you've probably noticed-"

"That Jon never leaves your side? Uh huh, I noticed" She interrupted "I've been watching him as well as you, I think he might have monophobia. Tell me, Jon, have you ever felt like or have been abandoned in your life?"

"Yes" Jon admitted

"Baby, tell her"

"My dad walked out on me when I was 9, all my siblings left with him. I only had my abusive mother left"

"Did that make you feel lonely? Did it make you restrict yourself to your bed? How did that make you feel, Jon?" Sabrina asked softly as she tossed Jon's underwear over to me.

"Horrible. I never realised I had depression until he left me. I had no one-" He broke off and buried his head in the crook of my neck, sobbing.

"Ben, does Jon struggle to be in public places and around lots of people?"

"Yes" I answered as I cuddled Jon and threaded my fingers through his hair

"Does his breathing become short and irregular?"


"Does he begin to sweat and feel nauseous?"


"Does he have a therapist?"

"Yes but I haven't been able to take him for a while"

"Could your son take him?"

"I'll ask him.... will Jon be able to walk?"

"With great difficulty and extreme pain, yes. I'd advise that he stay in bed. Actually, you should probably arrange for Jon's therapist to come here instead... have fun explaining why!" She jumped up "You need to come downstairs, we need to talk"

"Baby, I'll get Jake to sit with you, okay?" I murmured in Jon'sear "JAKE! COME HERE!"

There was a thud and a pattering of footsteps as Jake practically fell into the room, tripping over his own feet. Flushing, he straightened up.

"What?" He asked

"Will you sit with Papa for a minute? Sab and I need to talk downstairs"

 "Uh, sure" Jake glanced at Jon "What happened?" He mouthed. I untangled Jon from me and went to whisper in Jake's ear. He nodded and resumed my position from earlier, cuddling up to Jon. Thankfully, Sabrina had thought to cover Jon with the quilt before Jake has come in, due to me forgetting to dress him.  

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