"Get up, you've got work to do" A harsh pair of hand shook me viciously until I opened my eyes.

"Don't touch me!" I scrambled away from him, ignoring the still present pain in my ass "Get away from me!" His eyes gleamed and a devilish smirk turned up the corner of his thin lips. My body froze as he climbed onto the bed and cornered me. His large, calloused hand snaked around and grabbed my ass. I squeaked in terror and shrank back against the wall. "P-please don't"

"As much as I'd like to, your pretty hole needs to be nice and tight for the customer"


"That's right, baby. Despite your awful performance, you sparked a lot of interest. You're going to bring me a lot of money" He hummed, catching the skin on my neck in his mouth and grinded it between his teeth. "Make yourself look pretty"

I fell down onto the bed as he stalked off, make myself look pretty? How?! I don't know how to do that! All I have is a pair of cum stained panties and thigh highs, the bralette has not made its return. I can't even brush my hair! Wait.... why do I even care? If I look gross, maybe they won't rape me?

"Hey, sweetie. It's me again, come to make you look pretty" I whipped around to see the waxing lady

"Don't. I don't care" I folded my arms

"Babe, if I don't we'll both get hurt"

"And if you do, I'll still get raped" I stated dully

"Just let me do my work"

"Fine" I snapped. She handed me a bundle of clothes, or should I say lingerie. Completely black, smooth, silky and very revealing. Reluctantly, I put it on. She attacked my head with a brush. "Ow!"

"Oh shut up" She rolled her eyes as she brushed out all the tangles in my curls "Close your eyes"

For the next hour, I sat with my eyes closed as she prepped me. I felt a pencil lead at my lash line and something almost waxy on my lips. Was she putting makeup on me?! There goes my last shred of dignity.

"Open" I opened my eyes "whatever you do, don't fucking blink" Oh god, I was never good at staring contests. I watched wearily as she pulled out a tube of mascara.

"Do you have to put that on me?"

"Yes" Despite the fact that my eyes were watering so bad, I resisted the urge to blink as she applied layer after layer onto my lashes. "Look up" I held my breath as the wand of mascara became dangerously close to my eyeball once again.

Finally, I was finished. She held a small mirror in front of my face;big, red pouty lips, thick lashes; smoky liner and various purple marks that littered my neck. I looked like a whore.

"You never cease to impress me" both of us jerked in the direction of his voice "He is just going to eat you up" He strode over to us and dragged me to my feet "C'mon, pretty boy. It's your time to shine"

He prodded me into the room where I was supposed to pole dance yesterday, an old man was stood at the bar. He looked at least 50. His eyes locked onto me, I gulped. His eyes filled with lust and a line of drool dribbled out of his mouth. I took a step back, accidentally stepping onto the man's feet.

"Don't be nervous" He chuckled, pushing me forward towards the old man.

"Please don't make me do this" I whispered "Please"

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