"W-what if-"

"Princess, don't" My voice cracked "I don't even want to imagine anything you just said"

"B-Benny, just h-hug m-me and t-t-tell me everything is g-going to be okay" He sobbed. I folded my arms around him. He sunk into my embrace, burying his head in my shoulder. Isn't it funny how much you rely on one person to keep you sane? Without Jake, we've both completely falling apart. He's been missing for 3 months and I don't know how much I can take anymore. I need him. I need him so much.

"We'll find him. It's going to be okay, we'll find him. I promise" I soothed, willing myself not to break down too. Jon needed me right now, I had to stay strong for him. "It's going to be okay" My phone buzzed in my pocket "Babe, just shift off a sec" He moved off me briefly so I could pull out my phone. "Thanks" He sat back down again, snuggling into my chest.

A video.... from a number I haven't heard from in 9 years. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and willed my thumb to click on it.

"Benny, who is it?" Jon looked up at me "Why do you look so worried?"

"Princess..." I bit my lip. Could I tell him? I don't want to lose him too...

"Benny, tell me!" He sat up, straddling me and tried to pull my phone out of my hand.

"Just promise you won't switch off again?" I whispered "Please, I need you"

"I promise" He kissed me "Show me"

I held out the phone so both of us could see before pressing play:

"Such a fucking slut" Jake was pinned against a wall, deep hickies littered his neck and upper body. His auburn curls were an absolute mess, matted to his sweaty forehead. All the adorable little chub he had was gone, nothing but skin and bones. He was dressed only in lingerie- red and black lace panties accompanied by shiny, black, translucent thigh-highs. "Such a whore, aren't you? Look at all these marks made by other people" It was only then I saw the man who was holding Jake against the wall. He leaned down to suck on Jake's collar bone. "Speak, you fucking slut"

"Y-yes, s-s-sir" Jake choked out

"What are you?"

"A s-slut"

"Who's slut?"


He grabbed the front of Jake's crotch, massaging it harshly. Tears trickled out of the corners of Jake's eyes.

"Moan, you bitch" The man growled. Jake's lips parted as he faked moaning to satisfy the man who was at least double my age."Can't wait to rip you apart" The man groaned as he slipped his hand into Jake's underwear. "Bet you're so fucking tight"

I felt the bile rise in the back of my throat, I just wanted to throw my phone across the room and watch it shatter into a million pieces.That fucking sick bastard! How dare he fucking touch my son?! I was so caught up in my own anger, I didn't even notice that Jon was slowly turning a shade of purple.

"JON!" I yelled. He gasped and sucked in a deep breath. Shakily I typed out a message: DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY SON! GIVE HIM BACK! I'M CALLING THE POLICE!

That's a shame, he seems to be enjoying himself: image attached

The image was a photo of Jake with a raging boner, straining in his panties. That was it. I stood up, causing Jon to fall to the ground,and ran to the kitchen. I swiped up my car keys and made for the door, however, Jon was too quick and darted in front of me. I tripped and we both went tumbling to the ground.

"Ow" He winced "Benny, that hurt"

"Sorry, baby" I rolled off him and picked him up, dusting him off "I have to go"

"Benny, no"

"What do you mean 'no'?! You saw that video!"

"He's too smart for that" Jon whispered "You know he is, remember what happened when you tried to report him to the police before? Everything was gone!"

"So you're just going to sit around and wait for him to come home?! Is that it?! HE'S BEING USED AS A FUCKING SEX SLAVE, JON! HE'S 14! HE'S OUR SON!"


I grabbed him by the front of his fluffy, white jumper and crashed my mouth into his. This wan't loving or sweet, this was a war between our mouths. Teeth and tongue clashing. He knotted his fingers in my hair and tugged harshly, I groaned and shoved him against the wall. He broke the kiss to cry out in pain as his prominent spine that jutted out of his back made contact with the wall. I silenced him with another rough kiss. I felt his hands weakly push my chest, reluctantly, I released him.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled "I'm so sorry"

"Benny, it's okay" He assured me "I love you"

 "I love you too, princess" I wrapped him in my arms and peppered him with loving kisses.

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