Jake was the thing we were missing in our lives. I've never seen Jon stay so happy and positive for this long, he always has a day where he just wants to lie in bed and cry. Not anymore. Sure, he creates havoc and can be an absolute pain in the neck but he's the light of our lives. For him, Jon is trying so hard to get better. He forces himself to eat more, I have to limit him otherwise he'll make himself sick like he did the first couple of weeks we had Jake.

He's settled in well, made instant friends at his school. It's like he really is our biological child. The bond we all share is unbreakable. Jake does not think it's strange to have 2 dad's, he boasted about it to his class mates. However, that didn't end well.

"Daddy! Papa!" Jake ran over to us, tears trickling down his rosy cheeks.

"Jake, what's wrong?" I picked him up and hugged him, pulling Jon into it too.

"Sweetie, talk to us" Jon kissed his cheek

"I t-told m-my class about you t-two and s-s-some nasty b-boys made f-fun of me a-and called you names and s-said I w-was a f-freak!"He sobbed "Th-they pushed me over!"

"Did you tell a teacher?" Jon asked

"N-no, they said I'd r-regret it"He buried his head in my shoulder

"Don't listen to them, Jake. They're just close-minded, judgmental people who think that everyone should have a mummy and daddy. You're not a freak, Jake"

"Tell a teacher tomorrow" Jon said

"Okay, Papa" He mumbled

 Luckily, Jake listened to Jon and told his teacher who resolved the issue straight away. I think Jake has made friends with a couple of them, which is great! He's so outgoing and friendly, he can talk to anyone and everyone. He's constantly on cloud 9. He's so innocent and sweet and I kind of wish he never has to grow up because things are probably going to take a dramatic fall when he hits senior school....

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