Time skip (2 weeks later)

"Shout me when you're ready for me to come back in, alright?" The nurse said kindly "Take your time" She ruffled my hair and quickly left the room. I looked up at myself in the mirror, half my face was bandaged. Shakily, my fingers closed around the end of one bandage and peeled it off. I let out a small sigh of relief. The small strip of skin that had been exposed was fine, perfectly smooth and unblemished. Grinning, I burst into laughter. It was all going to be okay! Excitedly, I ripped off the rest of the bandages.

My smile dropped instantly.

A number of deep, red scars clawed down from my left temple all the way to the underside of my jaw. All in perfect unison. I remember what happened. I remember how Papa lashed out, how had the scars formed in such perfection? There should be a whole host of angry marks littering my face but no! I could count them! There was 5! One slid over my eye smoothly. I covered my right eye, nothing. Just a blur. I couldn't even make out my own reflection in the mirror I was stood a ruler length away from. Suddenly the door opened.

"Get out!" I yelled "Get out!" I turned my back to the door and covered my face with my hands, willing myself not to cry. "Didn't you hear me? I said get out!" An arm wrapped around my waist and a pair of chapped lips kissed my cheek. "G-get out"

"Hey, sweetie" Dad said softly "The nurse said you were taking off your bandages"

"Go away" I mumbled, hurriedly wiping my eyes

"No, you need me. I'm not going anywhere, honey" He squeezed me gently "Look at me, baby"

"No, go away"

"Jake, turn around" He said gently

"Okay" I sighed. I turned around, he immediately let out a sigh of relief "What?" I snapped

"I thought it was going to be so much worse" He exhaled "Thank god" He hugged me tightly.

"What are you talking about?! I can't even see out of this eye!It's awful! I hate it! I hate it!"

"Shhh" He rocked me slowly "Your papa might hear, you've got to stay positive for him"

"Is he outside?"

"Yes, chin up" Dad wiped my tears "I promise we can talk later,okay?"

"Dad, I-"

"Um, hi" Papa said quietly. "Oh, Jake, I'm sorry"

"Papa, it's nothing! It could have been so much worse!" I said falsely brightly.

"Princess, would you get me a bottle of a water? My throat is a little sore. Will you be alright?"

"Uh, um, sure" He mumbled "I'll be back in a minute?"

"Thank you, baby"

"Hey, it's okay" Dad soothed as I burst into tears and buried my head in his chest "It's okay"

"It's not okay! It's going to take ages to grow my hair long enough to hide this!"

"No way am I letting you have a chin length fringe, what are you? Emo?" I knew it was supposed to be funny but the last thing I wanted to do was laugh. "Jake" He sighed "I'm sorry"

"I have to hide this, Dad! What am I supposed to tell people,huh?!"

"Make up a cool story"

"Oh yeah, like what?" I folded my arms "First I disappear for ages and now I turn up looking like two-face! You have no idea how many rumours are going round about me!"

"Jake, it isn't going to look like that forever, you know"

"What are you talking about?" I snapped

"It'll fade over time. Eventually it'll be a pinky colour that people won't even notice"

"Then can I stay at home until it fades?!"

 "No, nice try"

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