My mouth was so dry, I couldn't produce one drop of saliva. I licked my dry, cracked lips in attempt to moisten them. I lingered outside a cheap food store, hesitating. I had no money left and I was so, so hungry. My stomach growled, causing me to double up in pain. Against my better judgement, I entered the shop, knowing that the only way I would be able to eat something was by stealing. I pulled up my hood and shoved my hands in the large pocket on the front of my filthy hoodie.

"Have you seen him?" A voice asked desperately. Alarm bells rang in my ears, it was Papa "Please tell me you have!" I hid in an aisle, staying close enough to listen

"I'm sorry, sir, but I haven't seen him"

"Are you sure?!"

"I'm sure, could I get-" He was cut off as Papa broke down, sobbing "Sir, are you alright?"

"Do I look like I'm alright?!"He snapped "My son is missing! My husband is in hospital! Do I look like I'm okay?!" Dad is in hospital?! What? No! No!

"I'm sorry, sir. Do you need anything? It's on the house" The man from the counter walked around to wrap an arm around Papa, who had begun to hyperventilate. Guilt twisted my gut, my appearance could stop this. I could go home and I could eat and drink and have a shower-

But Adrian. He's still missing. It's all my fault, if only I stayed another night, maybe he'd be at home right now, safe and sound. Inspiration struck, I grabbed the food closest to me and shoved it in my pockets, not caring what it was. Carefully, I sneaked around the corner and snatched two bottle of water out of the fridge section. I heard the guy turn around. I bolted out of the store, only stopping when I was far out of sight. I unscrewed the cap off a bottle and tipped the water down my throat. It took all my resistance not to gulp the whole thing down. I took measure mouthfuls, who knows how much longer I'd be out here. I tore open the pack of biscuits that I had grabbed and ate and ate and ate. It felt so good to be full again.

"C-could I have one?" I cracked open an eye to see a small, skinny kid. He appeared to be alone and seems to have been roughing it like me. His face was bloody and bruised, what happened to him? "P-please?" I snapped out of my trance

"Um, sure" I offered the pack to him. "Do you want some water?" he nodded eagerly as he stuffed a biscuit in his mouth. As I passed him the water, our eyes locked and the recognition kicked in. "Adrian?!" He froze "Adrian! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I flung my arms around him, bringing him close to my chest.

"Why are you here?" He mumbled

"Because it's all my fault you ran away, isn't it? I couldn't let you go, Adrian"

"You left me"

"I know, I'm sorry. I just can't stay at your house, Adrian. I have to go home" My voice wobbled "I have to go home!"

"Jake? Are you okay?" He looked up at me

"No, my dad is in hospital and my papa was in the shop where I stole this from and I just hid and he was crying and-"

"Can we go find him? I want to go home"

"Lets go" I jumped up,holding him tight and shoving my things in my bag that was constantly weighing me down. I burst back into the store.


"My dad! My dad was here! I saw him! Where is he?!" I exclaimed, yanking my hood down to show my face "He was the blond guy! The one who cried!"

"He left, kid"

"Where did he go?!"

"I don't know, he can run pretty fast. As soon as he realised I had no idea who you were, he just ran"

"Which direction?!"

"Kid, I'm sorry but I don't know"

What the hell was I supposed to do now?!

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