Angrily, I marched home with a cardboard box held close to my chest. Carefully, I placed the box on the dining room table before stomping upstairs. I flung open the bedroom door and practically tore the room apart looking for cameras. That was how they got that tape, it had to be. I let out a strangled cry of victory when I spotted a tiny black device tucked away in the corner of the ceiling, hidden by various objects on the wardrobe. Without hesitation I ripped it off the wall,along with some of the wallpaper and plaster.... Oh well. It was gone and that was all that mattered.

I heard heavy breathing coming from the bathroom, it was then I noticed that Jon wasn't in the room. Cautiously, I opened the bathroom door. Jon squeaked and fumbled about behind the door.

"Princess, it's me" I said, slowly he stepped out from his hiding place

"W-what w-was you d-doing?" He reached out and touched my chest "You s-scared m-me"

"I'm sorry" I whispered. I opened my arms and he snuggled into me "It's okay, it's okay. Breathe"

"Why are you at home?" He asked into my shirt. Should I tell him? Or wait for him to calm down?

"Baby..." I bit my lip "I need to tell you something"

"What?" He raised his head to look at me but quickly ducked his head when I leaned down to kiss him "Don't kiss me, I've just been sick"

"Brush your teeth then, princess" I gently pushed him in the direction of the sink "I'll talk to you after" He nodded and proceeded to brush his teeth. I wrapped my arms around him from behind, dropping kisses on his head. Once he was finished, I guided him back into the bedroom.

His eyes widened at the mess I had made but he declined to make a comment. I sat next to him and held his hand.

"Benny, what did you do?" He asked, indicating to our bedroom "What happened? Why are you at home?"

"I got fired" I admitted

"What?! Benny! What did you do?!" He gasped. I held out the camera that was still tightly clutched in my fist "Huh? I'm confused..." He frowned

"This was in our bedroom, right there" I pointed to the small hole in the wall "Someone put it there, they sent a sex tape of us to my school" Jon's jaw dropped open "If they have cameras in here, there is bound to be more"

"Oh god" He whispered "Oh god. Oh no" His face crumpled and he withdrew his hand from mine.

"Princess" I rested my hand on his knee and gave him a gentle squeeze "Don't cry" He shifted so he was sat on my lap and rested his head on my shoulder. My phone vibrated in my blazer pocket, I took it out to see I had a message from an unknown number, it was a photo.

A photo of Jon to be precise. Pictures of him sleeping, up close. My stomach churned when I realized that this creep had been in our bedroom and had taken photos of Jon. Another photo was sent in, an image of Jon wearing nothing but his sexy red lace panties that barely covered his ass. I knew he was wearing them today....

"Jon, look" I nudged him and he twisted around to look at my phone screen. His cheeks flushed and fresh tears welled in his eyes."Princess, breathe" I rubbed his back and kissed his cheek as he began to hyperventilate. My phone buzzed yet again: Put on a good show, yeah? X

 I launched my phone across the room and held Jon protectively as he wept into my shoulder. I lay back, still holding him close to me, stroking his hair as he eventually cried himself to sleep. I held him til I eventually fall asleep myself.  

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