Random Zene Moments

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Gene: We aren't talking about this! *draws a letter 'G'*.

Dante: .......

Gene: We aren't talking about this!! *draws a heart shape*

Dante: ........

Gene: We're not talking about this!!! *draws a letter 'Z'*

Dante: .........

Gene: WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THIS!!!!! *draws a heart with the letters 'G' and 'Z'*


Gene: Hey, Zane?

Zane: What?

Gene: Did you sit on a pile of sugar?

Zane: No, why?

Gene: Because you have a sweet a**~.

Zane: .......

Garroth: *triggered*


Gene: *gets out of the truck* Hey, Zane!

Zane: ???

Gene: Are you trash? 'Cause I wanna take you out~!

Zane: *triggered* WHAT YOU JUST CALL ME BOI!?


Gene: *sitting in a chair*

Zane: *working with a chemistry set*

Gene: *goes to a love generator website*

Zane: *still working*

Gene: *types in 'Gene' and 'Zane'*

Zane: *finishes the solution*

Gene: Zane.....

Zane: Yeah?

Gene: We have great chemistry.


Zane: Look, Gene, I'm loyal to you!

Gene: Mmhmm.

Zane: *turns head*

Bone: *doing so much illegal stuff*

Zane: *turns head again*

Gene: *death stare*

Zane: *screams*


Zane: I'm leaving.

Gene: *appears out of no where* *leans in real close*

Gene: If you leave me for some motherf****** Ultima Werewolf I swear I will twist your nipples so f****** hard you cum without me even touching your d*** as you moan like a little whore calling me Daddy as you cry tears of pain.

Zane: Ohhhh f*** me Daddy~!


Gene: *sitting at a countertop*

Lillian: *sits next to him*

Gene: .........

Lillian: Hi....

Zane: *at home drinking coffee*

Gene: Hey.

Zane: *at home reading book*

Lillian: ....... Are you married?

Gene: Yes.

Zane: *still at home reading book*

Lillian: ....... So where's your wife?

Gene: ........

Zane: *at home* *raises head* *raises hand*

Gene: *sighs*

Lillian: *head goes backwards*

Zane: *slams his hand down on the tabletop*

Lillian: *bashes her head against the countertop*

Gene: He's at home.

Zane: *at home drinking coffee*

Gene: He's slightly crazy.


Gene: *walks into the kitchen with his arms open*

Zane: *drinking vodka*

Gene: *pushes Zane out of the way* *picks up slice of pizza and walks away*

Zane: *throws bottle on the floor* *crosses arms and his eye is filled with tears*


Gene: We're a dynamic duo!

Zane: *nods*

Zerian & Genocide: *smile*

Gene: And he's my sidechick.

Zane: *jaw drops*

Zerian & Genocide: *gasp*


Gene: *in a coffin*


Zane: I...... *points to self*

Zane: Love..... *makes a heart*

Zane: *points to Gene* YOU~!

Gene: *falls backwards*


Zane: This is fun.

Gene: You know we can have even more fun up in my room, right?

Kawaii~chan: *has phone ready*

Zane & Gene: *playing video games*

Zane: You were so right.

Gene: Yup.


Stargazer: Hope you enjoyed.

Kawaii~chan: And remember to always ship Zene!!

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