Forced Changes

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The barn was in a full out party mode.

Zane sat at the wooden table off to the side, watching the celebration with a solemn strictness. While he did want to be interacting with the lord of Phoenix Drop, Lord, or Lady, Aphmau, his guards would not allow it. Without Zane's opinion or permission, his father had given the guards extra pay to keep Zane from becoming too acquainted with any of the villagers or the lord herself.

The High Priest recalled that fact with an exasperated sigh, tapping his boot against the floorboards of the barn. The only thing he could want at the moment was to go to sleep, but his guards had insisted that he attend the baby shower. It was beyond his knowing of their reasons, but he was going to make them spill. He had every right to, as he was the one they were sworn by oath to protect.

Skimming over the gathered crowd, Zane spotted one who stood out from the rest. While each of the villagers gathered at the celebration were dressed in formal attire, this newcomer was dressed like an assassin or thief. They wore an entirely black outfit with dark, dark brown wrappings around their hands, their fingers visible through the cloths. A leather sling was going from their shoulder to their waist, where a satchel was clipped on, and two silvery blades were in the sling. A mask was pulled up, covering their lower face. It was much like Zane's own mask, he realized.

Zane had never seen this villager before. He was quite certain that Lady Aphmau had never seen him as well, given how quickly she approached him. The two exchanged small talk, before she nodded and returned to the festivities. Zane let his gaze linger on the newcomer for a moment too long, as they turned their attention towards him.

Zane looked away immediately, the vibes from this new person not feeling quite right. He may have had bad vibes of his own, but he could tell a shady person when he saw one. Then again, he was known to be more judgemental these days. Still, he would prefer to be safe.

For the rest of the baby shower, he could feel that man staring at him.


Standing by the docks, Zane watched as the moon began to rise from the horizon.

If there was one thing about the world he still truly loved, it was the moon and the nighttime in general. They were dark, yet held so much secrecy and beauty, as well as unmentioned grace in the balance of nature.

The echo of hard soled boots behind him made him turn around, to be looking at the man from the baby shower. Subconsciously he made a quick note to always carry a weapon with him, even a small one. He had left his broadsword inside of the commandeered house, the closest building to that of Lord Aphmau's own residence.

The two stared in silence for what seemed like ten minutes, before the, supposedly, assassin began conversation.

"My, my... you're quite an exotic creature, aren't you?" He asked, eyeing him up and down with greedy interest.

"I come from the city-state village of O'khasis." Zane replied, feeling a chill in his spine. "While it is the major powerhouse of military forces in Ru'an and one of the richest villages, it is not as exotic as you make it sound."

"Mmhmm..." He hummed, not taking in anything that was said. "It is quite rare to find a male who is as attractive as you, such feminine hips."

"That is not appropriate!" He snapped, glaring at him as he crossed his arms across his chest. "As the High Priest of the Faith if Lady Irene, I command you to stop speaking so vulgarly!"

"A priest of Lady Irene?" He questioned with a hint of disgust in his voice. "That's... unfavorable, for some."

"Favorable or not, you will not treat me in such an inappropriate manner." He huffed, pushing past him.

"My name is Gene, by the way." He added, grabbing a hold of Zane's wrist. "I have a gift for you, see."

Zane was losing his patience with this man who claimed to be Gene. Still, he waited as he handed him a necklace. It was made out of gold, with a small sky blue crystal attached to it. It gave Zane an odd vibe, yet he didn't argue as Gene put it around his neck.

"There, beautiful." Gene said, taking a step back to view his work.

"Why did you give me this?" Zane asked, pressing his hand to the necklace's gem.

"It once belonged to my... mother.." He began, using his wonderfully skilled acting skills. "She had always wanted to meet the High Priest Zane in person... that was her last wish, and she carried it with her to her grave. That necklace is all that is left of her..."

"Oh.. I'm so sorry for your loss.." He said, reaching for Gene's shoulder.

"It's quite alright.." He insisted, now watching Zane with a new regard. "I want you to hold onto that necklace."

"I will." He promised, nodding.

"Oh, one last thing before you go." Gene perked up, before handing him a closed bottle of liquid. "I saw that your guards weren't letting you leave their sights, and since you couldn't really get anything to drink, I brought you this."

"That's very kind of you." Zane said, taking the bottle carefully.

"Well, go on, I want to know if you like it or not." He ushered, watching with enthusiastic eyes.

Zane took off the cap of the bottle, drinking the entire liquid in one gulp. He felt nothing at first, nothing except for the taste of faint strawberries and sugar, before he found himself noticing new things about Gene.

Had his eyes always been so hypnotizing?

"Um, Zane.. are you alright?" Gene asked, raising an eyebrow. "You look a bit shaky."

Zane opened his mouth, but no words came out. Instead, his mouth felt dryer than sand on a hot day, and his legs were getting weak. Darkness crept in around the edges of his vision, slowly moving towards the center as Gene got blurry. As Zane fell into an unconscious state, he saw Gene's mask get pulled down, a psychotic smile on his face, and bloodthirsty red eyes that cried deceit and betrayal.

"Sweet dreams, little sheep..."


Gene grinned as Zane collapsed onto the docks, unconscious from the potion he had drank.

What a fool Zane was, to so easily trust that it was a simple drink from the baby shower. He had downed the entire potion in one gulp too, which made the effects of it come sooner than if he had taken a small sip of it.

He picked up the unconscious priest carefully, holding him a bridal way, before moving up the steps of the docks. Instead of going into the village itself, Gene took a sharp turn and broke out into a sprint, disappearing into the wilderness of the forest.

Waiting by the Nether portal was Sasha, who looked bored out of her mind. Her dark clothes hid her well in the darkness of the night, and her purple eyes gave off a darkened shade when she looked at Gene.

"Is that the High Priest?" She asked, standing up.

"Obviously." Gene replied, rolling his eyes.

"He's smaller than I expected." She frowned, showing her disappointment in the pale human. "A lot more pathetic than I thought, too."

"He'll just have to do." He shrugged. "Is the portal ready?"

"Always." She answered with a blank expression, turning towards the glowing purple outlined by obsidian.

"Then let's go. We don't want to keep the Shadow Lord waiting."

Zene OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now