The Fallen Ones

616 15 28

Ahh, nothing like happy Zene oneshots, right?

*holding angst canon behind back*


That's all Gene could feel as he plummeted tough the sky, along with other figures. Angels. They were Angels that were falling from Heaven, all because they had broken a small, minor rule. They had been banished by the Guardian Angels, even though one of them was a Guardian Angel.

He managed to turn his head to the side, screaming in horror when he saw what was happening to his wings. The white feathers were falling out, the skin of his wings burning into black coals as they became useless. Flames were licking along them, burning up whatever feathers remained and blistering the skin.

He couldn't tell if the same cruelty was happening to the others, but he could hear their pain filled wails and screams of terror. Why did they receive this punishment? Banishment from Heaven was a punishment given for the worst of the law breaking, like making deals with Demons or having romantic relationships with Demons or mortals. All they had done was spy on Demons.

Then, with a brutally forceful impact, his back slammed down onto the Earth. A horrid cracking sound was heard, followed by the snapping of bones and ripping of skin. He heard the gross sounds of the others hitting the surface too, but none of them screamed. None of them could scream. They were in too much pain to use their voices.

When the pain finally subsided to a bearable suffering many hours later, Gene forced himself to sit up. His wings were on either side of him, twisted and bent, charred black with few tuffs of black feathers still attached. Black blood was streaming out of his body and onto the ground, staining the grass and flowers. He looked down at his palms, seeing two large gashes on his palms. One of his legs was bent at an odd angle too, and he could see his own blade piercing his side.

He looked around, desperately looking for one of the others. He couldn't spot Zenix or Sasha, but he saw Zane.

"Oh, Divines, Zane... no..." He gasped, struggling to make his way over to the broken Angel.

Zane had severe burns all along his back and neck, long cuts going down his upper arms. His left wing was almost entirely gone, only half of the supportive bone still remaining, while all that remained of the skin and feathers was a charcoal black crust. A single organ was wrapped around what little remained of the supportive bone, the others dangling from the charred remains like vines on a tree, all shredded and dirty. His right wing was mostly normal, broken and nearly severed from his shoulder blade, but for a wing that just got scorched by Divines, it had a lot of feathers. By a lot that means ten. A blade was piercing right through his right knee, and his stomach was practically torn open. Black blood was streaming down his head, his blind eye torn out and his halo broken, the ends stabbing into his head. (Think Alice Angel)

"Zane... oh what have they done to you...?" Gene asked in a low voice, tears threatening to fall onto the already fragile body.

"G... G... Ge..." Zane coughed out, black blood gushing out as he tried to speak.

"Shh, don't speak..." He hushed him, picking him up as carefully as he could.

"Gene? Zane?"

Gene turned around, seeing a Demon standing there. But it wasn't any Demon, it was a reformed Demon. What do they look like, you ask?

Look at Gene and Zane and you'll know.

"Laurance?" Gene asked, almost not believing it.

"So they did it to you two too?" He asked.

"Zenix and Sasha too." He added. "Is... is Zane gonna be okay..?"

Laurance walked closer, placing a hand on Zane's neck. He immediately pulled away, tugging Gene along.

"He's dying. We need to get him to our sanctuary fast." He said, and Gene didn't question it.


"GARROTH!" Laurance yelled out, making some of the damaged Angels and Demons jump.

The blond angel soon emerged from a corridor, his eyes landing on Zane immediately.

"I'll take care of Gene." Garroth says to Laurance, who nods as he took Zane from Gene's arms.

"You're his brother, why can't you do anything for him?" Gene asked Garroth, as the blond led him away.

"Laurance has a special healing power. One I don't." He explained, starting to clean off Gene's wounds with a rag.

"Is Zane going to die?" He asked carefully, looking at him in the face.

Garroth looked down at the ground for a moment, uncertainty in his cerulean eyes. Gene could tell he was close to tears, but refused to show it.

"I don't know." Garroth finally admitted, looking away. "God, I'm a terrible brother... I'm supposed to look out for him, and what do I do? Get myself banished.."

"This isn't your little pity party, Garroth." Gene growled. "Zane is dying, and you're worried about how you act as a brother?"

"I know, I know..." He sighed, before a loud explosion came from the room Laurance had taken Zane.

Some of the Fallen Ones had run in, and one came out with a solemn look on their face.

"Ivy?" Garroth asked cautiously.

"They're dead... both Zane and Laurance.." Ivy started to sob. "It took too much from Laurance and Zane was already on his deathbed..."

Gene felt what little of a heart he had break. Zane was one of the only things he had come to love, and now Zane was gone. They hadn't let their families come to their trials, so Gene never got to see if Dante made it out okay from the hospital.

He could hardly register the world as Garroth broke down a wall with a single punch, running out of the sanctuary afterwards.

Gene could hear his halo cracking, and felt two horns growing out of his head.

"Dammit Zane don't die on me.. not now... please Zane..." Gene sobbed helplessly to himself. "Where the Hell is Garte when you need him?"


Meanwhile, in Hell....

"Zane why are you here?"

"Well you see father, I got banished from Heaven."

The end.

Me, enjoying my Saturday: *updates Zene Oneshots, specifically Kidnapping The Prince (Part 2)*

Readera: *stab knife through door* PART 3!?

Me, wearing a helmet: FUS RO DAH--

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