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Not gonna lie, the song is from My Little Pony: The Movie.

Zane's magic was useless.

Stuck in a cage and on the way to the enemy's hands? Right now that's him. To think that the Dark Angel would get caught so easily... Zane could barely face the truth himself.

"It must be embarrassing to be caught off guard like that."

Zane snapped his head upwards, only to see the bounty hunter who had captured him; Gene Charleston.

"I must admit, you're quite a fighter," Gene complimented, approaching Zane's cage. "But did you really think you could rely on those powers of yours forever?"

"My powers may not be as strong as those of an Angel, but they will last for a long time," Zane said to him, glaring.

Gene smirked at him, his dazzling white teeth showing. His eyes twinkled with a dark mischief, flashing red for a moment. He didn't hide the amusement he found in Zane's defensive claim, his shoulders shaking with laughter for just a moment. He burst out laughing, but it wasn't the type of laugh that someone would enjoy. It was dark and had a razor edge to it, bouncing off of the walls and echoing back into Zane's ears.

"That's very funny..." Gene laughed, reeling himself back in. "Very funny.. I'm sure Lord Shad will enjoy your company."

Zane shuddered at the mentioning of the Divine Warrior's name. His black feathered wings visibly twitched and flickered like a moth by candlelight, folding against his back as he closed himself in tone center of the cage.

"Do you know why everyone you have met has tried to capture you?" Gene asked, circling Zane's cage. When Zane shook his head, he continued, "Zane, you're a Dark Angel. Those are extremely rare."

"You almost make me think I wanted to be this way," Zane spat in disgust.

Gene lashed his Demon tail, before stopping before Zane. He grabbed onto the bars of the cage, before pushing them too one side, making the cage spin slowly.

"Sing me a song," Gene told him. "Now."

Zane cleared his throat for a moment, before closing and taking a deep breath to calm himself.

"I know you
You're a special one.
Some see crazy
Where I see love.

You fall so low,
But soar so high.
Big dreamers shoot
For open sky.

So much life
In those open eyes.
So much depth,
You look for the light.

But when your wounds open,
You will cry.
You'll cry on and on,
And you'll question why.

I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they fall on down.

Zene OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now