Sacrifice (Gods)

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Zane watched in horror as Gene, the God of Memory, threw their children into Hell. Now, one would think that Zane and Gene, two immortal Gods, would have Demigod or Godly children, right? Wrong. They had no Godly children, so say.... except for one.... who of which was Zerian. The other children, however, were more so on the Demigod side.... they had quite a lot.

Gene had been getting darker by the day, and now he was entirely corrupt. His eyes were blood red, with lava pulsing through his golden blood. His past toga was long gone, replaced with black and red armor that practically stuck to his skin. He held a long red blade in his hand, the handle made of Celestial Bronze.

A rare mineral, harvested from Mount Olympus itself, but not as rare as the mineral that made Zane's cage. The mineral was pitch black and jagged towards the top, the outer shell being smooth, and the inside was sharper, with thorns sticking out of the bottom. The thorns crushed underneath Zane's battle armor boots, however, so they weren't much of a problem.

"Gene!" He growled, grabbing onto the bars. "Let. Me. OUT!"

"Oh hush, you." Gene spat. "I'm tired of hearing you complain every five minutes."

"You threw our children into Hell!" He roared. "You're trying to sacrifice me to Shad!"

"Shad's wrath is a force that should be left undisturbed!" He snapped. "He only takes immortal souls! Our children combined wasn't enough..... so you're next."

"You monster!" He gasped. "You've murdered everyone you love!! Who's next after me if I fail!?"

"Dante." He replied blankly.

Zane gasped, glaring at his lover. "Vos es promptus ad finem vitam eternam et filii tui, frater, et coniugi ad personam... t audivi vocem vestram ne forte mater mea cum essem habuit."

"Speaking Latin, are we?" He chuckled. "Only thing You can keep of our children, I suppose."

Zane let go of the bars, smoke starting to spew from his ears. His hands glowed a bright white, before he exploded in a ring of pure energy. The cage broke into splinters of the mineral, one going into Gene's shoulder. When he recollected himself, Zane was now a fuming red volcano of rage.

His eye softened when he saw Gene returned to his original States however.... those deep teal blue eyes..... bright white toga... he was wonderful.


Zane looked behind him, to see all of their children's standing there. He smiled at each of them, and Gene chuckled nervously.

"Um..... welcome back....?" He chuckled.

The Godly children only glared at him, turning away defiantly and storming off. The only ones who stayed long were the Mermaids and Fairies, but they were a bit uncomfortable with it. Zane couldn't blame them. I mean, they just got thrown into Hell by their own father, and their other father was about to be sacrificed.

"Come, my love....." Zane smiled gently at Gene. "Let us return to the others."

"Yes...." He smiled back.

The doors to the temple broke open, and Garroth stormed in, highly pissed off.

"WHERE IS HE!?" Garroth demanded.

"Garroth, my wonderful older brother...." Zane began slowly. "You. Ruin. Everything."

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