The God of Love (Part 2)

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Gene was overwhelmed by pride and joy.

Finally, his admirers and priests had returned to his temple. The floor got cleaned everyday, and the altar was never empty. Nothing could have made him feel better.

Flapping his huge wings, Gene swept over the kingdom of O'khasis. Gazing down, he could see the entirety of the people in a state of mourning and despair. Especially the women. What famous celebrity had died this time? Gene totally didn't have anything to do with those!

Landing in the middle of a green field close to the gates, Gene shifted into his mortal form. When he entered the kingdom, the first thing he heard was a seventeen year old female bawling her eyes out.

"I can't believe he's really gone!!" She bawled, crying into the arms of an elderly woman.

"I'm afraid so, grandchild," the elderly woman sighed. "The divinely adorable prince has taken his own life."

They must mean that Zane Ro'Meave, Gene thought.

Exiting the kingdom, Gene returned to his true form and took to the skies once more. Passing by the tall rock spire, he nearly slammed straight into a body hanging from a rope.

He skidded to a stop, backing up a bit afterwards. Who just left a dead body hanging from a rope over the side of a rock spire?

Upon taking a closer glance at the mortal face, he realized with a surge of hatred that it was Zane Ro'Meave. But... this wasn't the same Zane Ro'Meave he remembered his admirers worshipping.

This Zane Ro'Meave had a dead, sickly pale face. A noose was knotted tightly around his neck, crushing his windpipe and possibly breaking his neck. Speaking of his neck, a large bruise had formed where the rope crushed his windpipe. His head was tilted down, looking onto the rocky ground below him.

It... made Gene sad to see him like this.

Zane was born with everything a man could ask for in a woman, only in a male's body. Being adored by every lady in your kingdom was supposed to be a great honor, not a motive for suicide.

Gene felt a bit guilty for Zane's action of suicide. Just a week before, he had asked the God of Archery, Zenix, for an arrow dipped in poison. It took dome bribing, but eventually Gene got the arrow. He had cleansed the tip of the arrow from the poison, only to dip it in the waters of despair.

Flapping his wings to get closer, Gene scooped Zane's lifeless body up in his arms. He rocketed to the top of the spire with one beat of his wings. Setting Zane's body down, he grabbed a steel dagger from his belt. He cut through the rope around Zane's neck, throwing it over the side if the mountain. He picked Zane up again, only this time returning with him to his home.


Gene flew towards the large, beautiful, bejewelled palace.

Gene flew in through the open doors of a balcony, finding himself in the hallway just outside his brother's room. He kept one wing wrapped around Zane as he passed by his brother's room, the doors oddly open. Peeking inside, he saw the outline of his brother under his blanket, catching only a glimpse of his golden bat wings. The Goddess of Witchcraft, Lucinda, was seated beside him, doing another checkup.

Entering his own bedroom, Gene set Zane down on the huge bed. He reached over and grabbed onto one of the silver goblets, before grabbing his steel dagger again. He brought it across his wrist, and watched as his golden blood dripped into the goblet. He brought it to Zane's lips, and somehow managed to get the dead mortal body to drink it.

Slowly, Zane's body started shifting. He only got a few inches taller, but his thighs got thicker. His lips got fuller, and his cheekbones showed more. The bruise on his neck started disappearing, and his neck started bending straight. Black feathered wings started growing from his back. They weren't as large as Gene's were, but they were big enough to support Zane's weight. A pair of dark blue cat ears sprouted from his head, and a long dark blue cat tail grew from his lower back.

Gene cupped Zane's cheek in his hand, knowing that the raven had gotten even cuter during the transformation. He had turned Zane immortal, and made his own personal adjustments to Zane's appearance. The main difference was the fact that Zane now had wings.

Gene scrambled to get things ready for his new spouse. For starters, he set up a glass vase filled with black roses. He set Zane's stone slate up against it, along with a wooden bowl filled with those white fudge animal cookies. He also set up a bowl of fresh and ripe fruit, steaming fresh bread, and freshly made ice cold lemonade. He also got a large teddy bear, new set of robes, a collar, a journal, an entire bin filled with diamonds and emeralds, a fluffy feather pillow, and a small crown made from precious jewels.

He sat down next to Zane, waiting for him to wake up. He had turned Zane into an immortal, it shouldn't take this long for him to wake up!

"..... So warm..." Zane yawned tiredly, so low that Gene barely heard.

The raven haired immortal had opening his eye just a small bit, but Gene could see the fear in it. He stretched tiredly, his tail straightening out and some of his backbones cracking. He sat up on the bed, blinking slowly as he was still waking up. It took a moment, but soon he focused on Gene...

And he screamed.

He screamed so loud that Gene thought that the Divine Gods could hear him from their individual Realms. Zane had leaped back, the fear shining in his eye like never before.

Gene, with a stab of guilt, realized that the reaction was his fault. It wouldn't have been as bad if they had no connection, but they did. Gene was the one who had been demanding that Zane be sent to execution for challenging him, but the other Gods went against it, blinded by Zane's adorableness.

"I-I'm sorry!" Zane squeaked out, covering his head with his hands. "I didn't mean to challenge you, I really didn't!!!"

"Zane, stop," Gene ordered, authority and power in his voice.

As if it were a natural instinct, Zane's mouth closed and his arms fell to his sides. Gene eyed him up and down, before sighing.

"Zane, I turned you into an immortal," Gene began carefully. "I.. I want you to marry me."

"I'm... immortal?" Zane echoed, staring into space for a moment.

"So? What do you say?" He asked, hopeful.

"Sure, I guess," Zane yawned with a nod, before curling back into a ball on the bed.

"... Are you just gonna sleep all day?" He asked with a small smile.

"Sure, if that's what you want," Zane answered with a hum.

"I want you to be yourself," Gene replied with a frown. "I don't want anything else other than you."

Zane nodded, before he spotted just how many things were in the bedroom. Both fascinated and curious, he jumped down from the bed the same way a cat would.


Six years had passed, and Zane was titled as the God of the Human Soul. He and Gene had really gotten it on one night, and poor little Dante couldn't sleep.

"Zane, are you coming to breakfast?" Gene asked, turning to look behind him.

Zane was making his way behind him, but he looked... weaker.. sicker.. sweatier and paler than usual. Than what was considered safe.

"Zane?" Gene asked, a new worry filling his voice and eyes.

Zane looked up him, noticeable dark bags under his one visible eye. His arms were wrapped around his belly, and his knees were visibly shaking. Zane opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Then he collapsed.

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