Love You Too

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Zane groaned as he opened his eye.

And felt his husband on top of him. Again.

Oh great, he rolled on top of me, AGAIN, Zane thought with annoyance as he tried to push the older off of him.

Grunting and huffing as he attempted to do so, Gene groaned as his sleeping state was slightly disturbed. His hands twitched slightly as Zane pushed him off of him.

"Dante why are you wearing a sweater.." Gene mumbled in his sleep, one arm landing on the nightstand with a thud.

Zane dragged his tired body off the bed and out of the bedroom, leaning against the wall for support due to his tired state. He kept blinking and rubbing his eye, occasionally yawning into his hand or stretching out his arms above his head. He stopped, however, when he got to the staircase.

"Why did we have to agree on a two story house?" Zane asked the ceiling above him, groaning loudly in a whining way.

He grabbed onto the railing of the staircase as he descended down the stairs, placing both feet on the same step before going to the next. He remembered back in middle school and highschool when he would hold onto the railing and go down three steps at a time (Hey, I did that!). His foot missed the step one time and his grip on the railing had slipped up, so he fell down the rest of the way. Yeah, he never did it again after that. (Me too!)

Zane shook his head slightly at the memory, feeling stupid for ever trying something like that. His brothers always said that he should live a little more, but last time he had tried that he ended up in the hospital. With two broken limbs and a bloody nose.

"I really don't want to go to work today.." Zane yawned loudly as he turned to enter the kitchen. "I went yesterday, and I still have to go for another four days.. surrounded by people that I don't like."

He grabbed onto the handle of the fridge and opened it, looking at the shelves for a moment. Upon seeing that his carton of almond milk was no longer on the respective shelf, he groaned loudly and closed the fridge with an exaggerated sigh of agony.

"Why are you depressed?" Gene asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Did you drink all my almond milk?" Zane asked with a glare, crossing his arms.

"Yeah... it tasted wonderful." He answered with a nod, still waking up.

"What in the Nether, Gene!" He groaned, throwing his arms in the air. "That was mine!"

"Hey, you gotta learn to share." He replied, sticking his tongue out playfully.

"And you gotta learn to keep your hands off my things!" He hissed with a frown. "I wanted to put it in my coffee!"

"Since when do you drink coffee?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, going over to the coffee machine.

"Since I became friends with Laurance." Zane defended with a huff. "He makes a good pot of coffee!"

"Garroth did tell me that he did." Gene agreed with a nod, grabbing a mug from the cabinet. "Wait.. you two are friends?"

"If you mean Laurance, then yeah. I'm related to Garroth, so we've always been close." He answered as if it were obvious. "We do think it is best if we have a good impression and opinion on those who our relatives pick to love."

"Interesting..." He muttered as he yawned again soon after. "Man, I'm so glad I have off today."

"That's not fair!" Zane whined, stamping his foot. "I have too go to work today!"

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