The Wolf Prince

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Gene was enjoying the lively atmosphere of Scaleswind, when a courier, or messenger, ran up to him.

"I've been looking for you. Got something that I'm supposed to deliver." The courier said, before handing him a letter. "From Lord Garte of O'khasis. You have some friends in very honorable, and powerful, positions."

Gene nodded as he took the letter, wondering what it could be about this time. He wasn't unfamiliar with summonings from the Lords of the Ru'an villages, but most of them were offers for the position of Thane or an proposal of property.

Upon opening the letter, he was left with a rather... disturbing message.


We need you to come to O'khasis at once. Something has come to our attention. Something relating to the incidents at Wolfskull Cave. I would rather not speak of the details in this letter, in the situation should it fall into the wrong hands. All I can say is this; your job isn't finished.

Lord Garte of O'khasis.

Gene stared at the letter, stunned into silence. His job wasn't finished? What could that possibly mean? He had interrupted the ritual, killed all the necromancers and cultists there, and ultimately prevented whatever they were trying to cause. Nonetheless, he needed to get to O'khasis immediately. He knew better, much better, than to keep someone like Lord Garte waiting.


Bursting into the room in a worn out, gasping for air style that said "I just ran a mile to get here" was not the entrance Gene wanted.

"Gene, so glad that you could make it." Garte greeted him, not looking up from his desk.

"What did you mean my work isn't finished?" Gene asked, finally regaining his breath. "I cleared out the cave, just as you had asked."

"Yes... Wolfskull Cave itself is not our problem." He spoke slowly, his expression dark and grim. "Do you remember how those necromancers were trying to bring someone back to life?"

"Yes, but I don't know who exactly they were going for." He nodded slowly.

"I think we may have found out who they were trying to bring back from the grave." He said, before turning to the court wizard.

"We had sent out a salvation team to see if we could look deeper into their ritual." The court wizard began to explain. "The most we found was a complete set of The Wolf Prince."

"This helps us how..?" Gene asked, not being very patient.

"That series is based off of the life and role of Prince Zane Ro'Meave, Lord Garte's second son." He explained.

"You had another son?" Gene asked Garte, surprised by the new information.

Lord Garte nodded, but he seemed more out of focus than usual. It would have been extremely rude to point something like that out, so he kept quiet. He looked over at one of the family portraits of the Ro'Meave Family, and the only one he didn't recognize was the raven haired male who was dressed like a priest.

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