Stick Together

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"There is no way that I'm letting him stay with some faithless asswipe like you!"

"Like you're any better! At least I was there whenever he needed someone to talk to, someone he could tell all his troubles too and help him! Where were you whenever Zane needed help!? Oh, right! You were too busy shoving your one centimeter dick up Laurance's ass!"

Zane watched as his older brother and his boyfriend argued, helpless to the situation. He felt like crying, and was surprised he hadn't done so yet. This entire situation was his fault. If he hadn't asked his mother to pick him up from the supermarket since it had started to rain, she would still be alive. His brother and his boyfriend wouldn't be fighting like this.

Oh... why do I keep making mistakes? Zane asked himself, looking up at the ceiling. I don't even know who I want to live with.. Gene's my boyfriend, but Garroth and Vylad are my brothers...

He nearly screamed as he heard glass shattering and something breaking, followed by a string of cuss words. He sat frozen as footsteps echoed down the staircase towards the living room, thundering as they pounded against the steps. He stared fearfully as Gene turned and walked into the living room, bleeding from his cheek and forearm.

"Come on, ZuZu..." Gene sighed, putting his good arm around Zane's shoulders. "I don't think you should be here tonight.."

Zane didn't argue. He was too afraid to argue. He was afraid that if he did argue or say no, Gene would just give up. He didn't want that, especially after what he heard upstairs. He didn't know where Vylad was, but he knew Garroth wouldn't take his anger out on him.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Zane asked him quietly, walking with him outside.

"Just a few cuts, nothing I can't handle.." Gene muttered, giving him a small kiss on the forehead.

Zane nodded, getting into the passenger's seat for the car. Gene got in the driver's seat, starting up the car and driving off. The ride to Gene's house was quiet, as neither of them knew what to say. Zane had something to say, to ask, but he didn't want to do it while he was driving and worked up.

When they got to his place, they decided to just go to bed. they layed in his bed, wearing their pajamas, as Gene hugged Zane close to him. It was a different kind of hug, the kind you would give to a family member after not seeing them for a long period of time, or seeing someone who was on their deathbed doing well. This concerned Zane a lot. Gene always gave him hugs and whatnot, but he never acted this clingy.

"Gene?" Zane asked quietly, looking into those teal blue eyes.

"Yeah, ZuZu?" Gene asked with a low hum, rubbing his thumb across Zane's cheek.

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but what... what happened?" He asked, praying to all six of the Divines that he would not regret it.

Gene sighed, looking at the bruises on Zane's hips. Zane felt himself turn a bit red, embarrassed. Gene started speaking, but it sounded like he wanted to cry.

"Zane... if I ever, ever hurt you like your ex did..." He started, taking a moment to stop his voice from cracking. "I want you to run from me. Run and never come near me again."

"Gene...?" Zane asked in a whisper, propping himself up on one elbow. "You would never hurt me. Not unless I really deserved it."

"Sometimes I wonder if you realize how many people in this world really care for you..." He sighed again.

"We'll always have each other, right?" He asked, hoping to clear up the mood.

"Of course we will.." He said with a nod, putting their foreheads together.

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