Taken (Part 1)

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Zane only had a little further to go, he was sure of it.

He took sharp, labored breaths as he worked his way up the ladder. His sore, cut up hands gripping the rusted old bars. The feeling of the old metal against his wounds made them sting, leaving bloody handprints whenever he moved on. His body ached all over from the endless running and climbing, his clothes still a bit moist from all the swimming he had done.

He wanted his pain and suffering to come to an end. All he had to do was let go of the ladder, then he could fall to the ground and it would be over. But he always remembered his older brother, how he had kept fighting. From what little Zane knew, Garroth was still alive. It was only about half a hour ago when he had seen his brother on the cameras, pushing through what had looked like broken dolls. But maybe they were bodies. The bodies of people who were trapped, just like them, with little to no memory of who they are.

Zane winced as the top of his head hit against a hard surface, one that made a creaking sound as he hit it. Lowering himself a bit, he looked up to see a wooden trapdoor. A surge of relief filled him as he smiled, pushing open the trapdoor with one of his arms. Hauling himself out of the limited space of the tube, he closed the trapdoor behind him. He heard a scurrying from behind, and two rats dashing past him.

He turned around at the last second to see blood red eyes, and a pair of hands reaching for him.


When he opened his eye, he expected to be dead.

Maybe sinking in a stretch of water with some odd looking creature coming after him, or being strapped down onto a cutting board with some ugly chef raising a butcher knife above his throat.

He wasn't expecting to be in a bed... with someone.

Hot breath brushed against his skin, warming him to a point he was uncomfortable with it. He could feel something like claws resting on his shoulder blade, right up against his neck too. The same feeling was on his lower back, right around his tailbone.

He risked moving, and the grip loosened. Squirming a bit, he lifted his head to look up. He froze, shrieking in fear when he saw a pair of teal eyes staring at him. His face was covered in dirt, with what looked like blood around his lips.

Zane shrunk back in fear, hiccuping as the person blinked slowly. He froze, shuddering as the male ran his hand through his hair, using their thumb to play with his ear. He could see him more clearly now, as he was wearing a black shirt with a skull on it and a pair of grey sweatpants.

"Oh, you're awake." He said with a smile, kissing his forehead.

"Wh.. where...?" Zane began, but yelped as he heard a door open and close.

"Oh, you're back." He hummed, looking to the door. "Look what the Diaries guy found for us."

"Is that a... is that a Zane?"

Zane looked over his shoulder, and saw someone who looked nearly identical to the one in bed with him. Only this one was a bit taller, with a purple flannel and lip piercing. He was holding a phone and a bottle of... something.

"You know it is." The other grinned, nodding. "Oh, and Zane? You can call me Gene, and him Genie."

Zane sniffled a bit, nodding as he looked back at him. He remembered Genie saying something about a Zane, and not just Zane. Did that mean there were more of him?

"They've been getting really good at hiding, kinda rare to find one off guard." Genie said with impress, walking closer to them. "A real Zane."

"A.. Are there more of me?" Zane asked, gulping a bit as they both looked down at him. "I've been alone for a while.."

"Of course there are more of you." Genie laughed, rubbing Zane's cheek with his thumb. "They're just hiding."

"Why are they hiding?" He asked, squirming. "What do you want with us?"

"Simple, we're collecting you." Gene answered, putting a collar around Zane's neck. "As he said, you guys are getting quite rare."

"But I'm not a collectible..!" He protested, whining.

"True, but a lot of people want you guys for some... inappropriate things." Gene replied, getting up. "Well, I think it's time for you to be put with the others."

"W-Wait what?" He gasped, before yelling out as they grabbed his arms.

He got dragged out of the room and into what looked like a dining area, where a group of males to looked identical to Gene and Genie were seated. They were flirting and taunting one who looked like himself, wrapped in bandages and looking like a mummy. They took a turn and went down a flight of stairs, going to a heavily locked door.

When it opened, Zane saw cages. Multiple cages.

Most of them were on the ground, but some were hanging from the ceiling. Inside were people who looked like him, all having their own unique details and outfits. They opened up one of the cages, which was empty except for some straw and a sleeping bag, and dropped him inside. They locked the cage again, leaving him trapped inside.

"W-Wait! Don't leave me in here!!" He cried, grabbing onto the bars.

"Don't worry, Kitty~." They both said in tauntingly seductive voices, snickering.

"We get the right amount of meals a day-- breakfast, lunch, dinner." Another one of the Zanes yawned, dark blue ears and tail visible. "And cupcakes for dessert if we behave."

"See? It's not so bad here." Gene said with a smile, poking Zane's nose. "We'll be back for you later."


Gene stepped into the elevator, his blood red eyes seething with rage.

He was getting annoyed to some extents with these Zanes. The harder they became to find, the more they would fight over the ones they had. It was getting out of hand, and they needed to find the cute emos fast.

Yes, they were collecting them. But they were trying to keep them safe. Some... not so nice people had been around recently, and they had gotten rather aggressive when they first saw a Zane. They nearly killed the poor thing!

He paused, however, when he heard footsteps.

They were light and soft, as though someone were trying to go unnoticed. It was coming from above him too, on top of the elevator. He had heard these types of footsteps many times before, all from a Zane he caught.

He looked up, towards the glass square in the ceiling of the elevator. Through the smudged, dirty glass he could see an unmistakable blur.

It was a Zane.

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