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Zane groaned as he was pushed up against the wall, his head hitting the bricks with a thud.

He stared up at Gene, the senior delinquent who had forced him to that spot. There was no calmness in those fiery teal eyes, only hatred and corruption.

That's why Zane hated powers, and had given up a majority of his own. They consumed the host and turned them evil.

"How many times do I have to tell you!?" Gene growled, grabbing Zane's shirt and throwing him to the ground. "You are nothing special!! Nothing worth my time of day, or even my care!"

"I do have powers!!" Zane snapped, standing up. "I just don't use them!"

"Well show me! Show me you are worth something!!" He hissed darkly, his eyes flashing a blood red color.

Zane growled, clenching his fists as he summoned some of his power. He knew he couldn't use much, but it was still power. With a small bit of his strength, he made a Familiar appear next to him. It was one of a wolf.

"... Is that the only thing you can do?" Gene asked, unimpressed.

"Er... do you have any water?" Zane asked, trying to hide his irritation.

Gene reached into his backpack and grabbed out a half empty water bottle, and handed it to Zane. He made no expression as they hands touched for only a second, before pulling away and crossing his arms.

"Well? I'm waiting." Gene said, not a very patient person.

Zane rolled his eye with a scoff, opening the water bottle and pouring out some of the contents. With another force of will and strength, it started to turn into ice. He put the cap back on the bottle, before handing it back to Gene. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his school uniform jacket, turning around and starting to walk away. Gene must've been displeased still, because he grabbed the back of Zane's jacket and yanked him back.

"I never said that I was done with you!" Gene growled in his ear.

"Look, I already showed you that I have powers." Zane snapped, now near his end of patience. "It may not be worth much, but I did what you asked. Now let me go."

"It doesn't matter that you have powers." He scoffed, turning Zane around to face him. "With powers as weak as those, you may as well be powerless. No wonder why no one in this school likes you. Not even your own brothers like you, since they won't even defend you from people like me."

Zane tried to not remember the last time his brothers had seen him being bullied. It was just another day, and they just walked on right by as if he didn't exist. Then, at home, they would always pester him about not using his powers enough.

"Which is why, Zane..." Gene began to speak, before leaning down to his ear. "You don't belong here. And you never will. Not as long as you keep giving the impression that you're worthless."

"I make it seem that way for a reason!" Zane snapped, stomping on heel down on Gene's toes. "Now let go of me, you corrupted son of a bitch!"

Gene yelled out in pain from the impact on his toes, letting go of Zane. Zane staggered backwards for a moment, before steadying himself and making a run for it. Now, he couldn't run fast, or for a very long time. Because of that, Gene caught up to him quite easily. Zane knew so because he fell on his face, some of the dirt nearly getting in his good eye.

"I should kill you for that, you freak!" Gene yelled at him, grabbing his hair and lifting him up.

"Then why don't you, huh Gene!?" Zane questioned through forming tears. "You think that I'm such a mistake!? You think that no one will miss me!? Then why don't you do the world a favor for once, get off your lazy nonproductive ass, and kill me then!?"

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