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Annie's POV

I think we're getting closer to a town or city, because I can hear car honks and people. I think we should settle down for the night. We laid out our blankets and small pillow, and we curled up by each other.

Katie's POV

Billy and I were in the car. Things were a bit awkward, but at least we're talking. We were driving on the beltway right now, going south, then down to the camping grounds, which are an hour southwest from there.

Hayley's POV

Annie and I woke up around nine o'clock, I think, and we picked up our blankets and pillow, and we ate a few chips from our backpacks for breakfast. We're almost out of food, so we want to save some in case we can't get to a store. Anyway, we walked for a bit, when we came across a neighborhood. It was a cul-de-sac with multiple houses. Annie and I weren't sure if we should knock on the door of a house or not, but we decided to. We went to the house right across the street that had a car in the driveway. Annie was brave and knocked on the door. We waited for about ten seconds, and then a girl opened the door. She had curly brown hair and brown eyes. I think she was around thirteen years old. She was wearing a purple shirt I saw online and jeans. Wait. . . I recognize her! She was on my team at Cardinal!

"OH MY GIRAFFE, ITS ANNIE AND HAYEY!" She said excitedly. She didn't actually scream, but it sounds better if I tell you that way.

"Hey! Can you do us a favor? It's a long story. . ," I said.

"Sure! Come in! My dad's in the basement watching football, so he won't hear us. Let's go to my room," She said.

We walked upstairs to her room and sat on her bed. Her room was pretty neat.

"I'm Brooke. I don't know if you remember me from when I was on Hayley's team," She said.

"Clearly you already know us," Annie said.

"Yeah. Well, would you like some soda or juice and a snack?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah, definitely! We were running out of food, it's a long story, but we can tell you while we eat! We haven't exactly had breakfast," Annie said.

We went downstairs to the kitchen and ate toaster waffles, peaches, and lemonade. Weird combination with the lemonade, but we were craving a drink other than water. Annie and I told the whole story, and it took around ten minutes. As soon as we were done, Brooke's dad came up from the basement.

Bye, I Guess... (Sequel and Third Book Included!)Where stories live. Discover now