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Annie's POV

For the next few days, mom made sure we were safe at all times. Dad came over sometimes, and it made me and Hayley really happy. My birthday is coming up, and the only thing I want is life to stay the way it is currently. No foster homes, no injuries, good luck at the gym, and a good year in general. I told my parents yesterday, and they love it, but they still said they're getting me something. Something big. I have no clue what it could be.

Two days later...

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hopped out of bed to the smell of waffles. I put on socks and ran downstairs. Dad was over and he was cooking the waffles. Mom was setting the table and Hayley was playing with the doggies. I stepped on a creaky stair and they realized I was there.


I ran up and hugged everyone. Mom put my waffles on a plate, and Hayley vlogged me overdoing it with the whipped cream. Then, we put the camera away and ate. Hayley handed me a gift in a pink bag while mom turned on the camera. I threw out the white tissue paper, and took out the gift. It was a new leo! I held it up to the camera. It was glittery white with a red and blue ombré pattern and blue and silver sequins.

I ran upstairs and put it on with red Nike pros. I grabbed my shoes and gym bag and mom took me to the gym. Mom said I didn't have to do school today, so I was only going to the gymnastics part of gym, and today also happened to be a shorter gym day. I went to practice and we did the usual stuff for three hours, then we switched over to games and fun for an hour, then I left and went home. I took a shower and was about to put on jeans, when mom knocked on the door with an important message.

"Hey honey, it's me. Just to let you know, we're going to a surprise place, but I recommend you put on flexible clothing!" Mom said through the door.

I changed plans. I put the jeans back in my closet, and pulled out my favorite leggings with a matching shirt. I blow dried my hair and put it in a bun, like the fancy ones Liv showed me how to do years ago. Then, I slipped on a pair of pink high tops and ran downstairs with my phone.

"Okay Annie! I'm not telling you where this is. You'll know when we get there," She said.

Mom, Hayley, Dad, and I got in the car, and I deducted all the possible places we could be going, by every turn we took. Mom gave me a two minute warning for when we would be there, and I only had two places left: Dave and Busters, and Flight. Which could it be?

Bye, I Guess... (Sequel and Third Book Included!)Where stories live. Discover now