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If someone speaks french pls correct this chapter name if the spelling is wrong, I forgot a ton of my french since it's like a month since schools over haha

Hayden's POV

"What?!" Annie exclaimed.

"Thank Allie, she was the one who saved us," Hayley responded.

After looking through our stuff to see what could be helpful, the conclusion we came to was we were probably going to die.
(A/N: no one dies, I'm too nice 😀)
There was no extra food we could find, other than the snacks we brought on the plane, and no water visible from where we were located. We were surrounded by dead people, meaning the kids were probably traumatized, especially Abbie because of her leg, and we have no shelter. There's ten of us, so it's not like we could make a small tent and we'd fit. We have to find some sort of abandoned house or something.

Another issue would be being found. No one knows where we are, and there's no service so we can't call anyone for help. We've planned to save our phone battery until we can find a place with a little bit of signal, but we have multiple cameras and things to vlog our adventure. If we make it to a place where we can post it, I'm sure it'd go viral. . . not that that's my priority. I want Annie and I's kids safe.

"Let's pick up some stuff and look around a bit, maybe?" Hayley suggested.

"Sure. We could split up," Ryan suggested.

"That's a good plan. Jayden and I can go. . . that way," I said, pointing left, "and maybe Hayley and Ryan can go the opposite way. Annie, you should stay here with the kids."

"That sounds good," Jayden nodded.

"What about me?" Allie asked.

"Stay with me," Annie said.

Jayden and I started towards the left. We had been walking for around five minutes when we spotted a thin river with a small beach. Across it was still just woods.

"We should set up camp here, maybe," I suggested.

"Are you kidding? It's out in the open! What if there's wolves, or bears, or even coyotes??" She panicked.

"Chill out! The open is the best place. Someone could be boating on the river and see us! The bears I'm worried about, though," I explained.

"Makes sense," Jayden shrugged.

We headed back to the crash site.

Upon arriving back, Abbie still hadn't stopped crying, but it was only tears, no screaming. Saph and Luke were telling her jokes and funny stories. Allie and Annie were talking while playing with Georgia. Hayley and Ryan hadn't returned.

"What'd you find?" Allie asked.

"A river with a small beach," Jayden said.

"That's great. Find anything shelter-wise?" Annie asked.

"No. But didn't you help build houses or something when you were eleven or so?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I didn't do too much. They showed me how to do it and the adults did most of it," Annie said.

"Ryan's an architect," Allie said.

"Architects don't build. They draw out the plans," I said.

"That could help anyways," Allie shrugged.

"Let's see what they come back with," Jayden said.

Around half an hour later, we heard running. We turned our heads to see Hayley and Ryan breathlessly running towards us.

"We found a cave!" Hayley exclaimed.

"We found a river with a beach too!" I said.

"Well, we've got shelter and water, that's good," Annie said.

"Quick question: I forgot to ask earlier, but have we looked for bandages or a stretcher for Abbie?" Allie asked.

"No, but good idea. Some of us can look, and in the meantime, some can pack," I said.

Jayden, Annie, and I looked for medical supplies while the others packed important things. It took what felt like forever, but we finally found medical supplies. The boxes were crushed, but we still opened them and looked inside. The only things that weren't broken were gauze rolls, two ace bandages, bandaids, and an AED. We don't need the AED unless somehow someone's heart stops working, but we can make the bandages and gauze work for Abbie's leg. We grabbed the supplies and brought them to the grass where we had been sitting.

"We found gauze to wrap Abbie's knee in, and we can secure it with the ace," Annie said.

"Great, I can wrap it," Allie said.

I held Abbie's hand again while Annie lifted her leg. Allie wrapped the gauze as a base, then used the bandages to keep it still.

"It's done. She might be able to walk on it in around a week or so, it looked bad at first but surprisingly, the swelling's gone down a little. Hopefully it's actually in place and heals correctly," Allie said.

The others finished packing. We used the backpacks we brought as carry on bags, plus what looks exactly like a hiking backpack one of the other passengers had. It still seems a bit intrusive to use a dead person's bag, but we didn't have anything else to use.

"How are we going to carry Abbie?" Sapphire asked.

"We can try piggybacking," I suggested.

Allie bent down so someone could put Abbie on her back.

"No, she can go on my back," Annie volunteered.

"Why not mine?" Allie fake-whined, making everyone laugh.

"Your baby," Annie said.

Allie's face fell and everyone was quiet for a few seconds.

"Right," she sighed.

Annie bent down and I helped Abbie onto her back.

"Is that comfortable?" I asked Abbie.

"Yeah," she nodded her head.

Everyone else picked up bags, blankets, food, and other things we need, and we headed towards the beach.

I forgot to mention this last chapter, but the vote for Abbie won, so thats who got the hurt leg. This chapter was blue vs. green, and blue won, which was the beach/river. Save battery also won.

Bye, I Guess... (Sequel and Third Book Included!)Where stories live. Discover now