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Annie POV

"Mommy, can you help me with my homework?" Luca called from his room.

"Yes, I'm coming," I yelled back. "Hayden, can you finish making this pasta?"

"Yeah, sure," Hayden came into the kitchen.

I headed to Luca's room, only to be stopped on the way.

"Hey mommy, can you come play dolls with me?" Abbie asked.

"Not now Double A, I've gotta help your brother first," I stayed on route.

"Why!" Abbie pouted.

I stopped, "Because he asked first."

Abbie stomped back into her room.

I walked into Luca's room and sat on the floor with him.

"I need to spell these words and you have to read them to me," he handed me a piece of paper.

I scanned the list. All of the words were four letters long.

"Okay, I'm ready," Luca had out his notebook and a pencil.

"Spell cart," I said.

He spelled it correctly.

"Read, like reading a book," I said.

He wrote reed.


He wrote it correctly.

After the next few words, there were two five letter words.

"Spell paint," I said.

"I don't know how to spell that," he said.

"Sound it out," I told him.

"Payn-tuh," He said very slowly.

He spelled it paynt.

I smiled.

"Street," I announced.

He spelled that correct.

I handed him the list and gave him a hug.

I was walking to Abbie's room when Hayden called for everyone to come to dinner.

I walked into the kitchen and filled the triplets' cups with pineapple juice and set them on their placemats at the table. I brought everyone's plates over while Hayden grabbed an Izze out of the fridge for me and poured himself a glass of lemonade.

After we had dinner and cleaned up the table, I grabbed Candyland from the living room and opened the box. I pulled out the game board, cards, and playing pieces and set them on the table.

"I'm the red one!" Abbie yelled and grabbed the game piece.

"I'll be blue!" Sapphire took hers.

"I guess I'm green," Luca shrugged.

I took my yellow piece and put it at the start of the board.

Luca grabbed a card first. He had to move to the first yellow spot. Sapphire was second. She drew a double orange and jumped to her spot. Abbie went next and drew the gingerbread card and jumped ahead of Luca, but was still behind Saph. I went next and drew a single orange card. On the first orange space, there's a bridge you can take to skip a bunch of spaces behind you.

"Aww mommy, how come you got across the bridge?" Sapphire fake-pouted.

"I got the card for it, Gem," I smiled.

Soon, we were in the final stretches of the game. Abbie was eighteen spaces away from the finish, Luca was eleven, I was twenty-six, and Sapphire was fifty spaces.

"I'm not gonna win," Sapphire whined, drawing her next card.

Her face lit up immediately.

"I got the ice cream cone!" She squealed and moved her game piece onto it.

"Lucky!" I said.

She was now only thirty-one spaces away.

Abbie's turn came.

"Aww, I got a yellow," she frowned as she put her character on the licorice space.

"Haha, you lost a turn!" Luca taunted.

"Luca, be nice to your sister," I told him.

"Sorry," he replied.

I drew a card and ended up with a double green. I skipped ahead of Abbie and placed my piece two spaces behind Luca.

Luca drew a card and ended up with a double yellow.

"Yes, I won!" He stood up and accidentally knocked the board, cards, and pieces off the table. They scattered all over the floor.

"Luca!" I exclaimed and laughed.

He laughed in response.

I shook my head, "You're so silly!"

Little did I know, Hayden was standing in the doorway and had gotten the whole game on video.

Hey guys!!!

Pick a triplet: Abbie, Luca, or Sapphire

Pick a place: Disney world, Turks and Caicos, or French Canada

Comment your response! This has to do with upcoming chapters.

Bye, I Guess... (Sequel and Third Book Included!)Where stories live. Discover now