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Madison's POV

We walked downstairs to the beautiful kitchen. The family had four bowls out for us with a fork beside each one.

"Do you like mac and cheese?" The mom asked.

We all said yes, taking our seats at the table.

She poured the noodles into each of the bowls and we began eating. This was one of the best meals I've ever had! Then, Mrs. Katie asked us something.

"Girls, I would like you to tell me your interests, so I can get to know you better," She said.

"Oh, okay," I said, "Well, I like to draw, and I like to go swimming. Oh! Especially diving."

"Oh that's cool!" Katie said.

"I like gymnastics," Charlie said.

"Do you want me to sign you up at Annie's gym?" Katie asked.

"I would love that!" My twin said.

"I like to read and write stories," Ginger said.

"And I like to bake, but I only ever got to bake at two of the foster homes," Skai said.

"Well, here, you can bake as much as you want," Katie said.

I really like Katie. She, Annie, Billy, and Hayley are all so nice! I just hope they don't turn out like most the other foster homes I've had: nice the first day, terror the others. Katie and Billy have kids that seem to love them, so I don't think they will. Katie told us we could go outside after we finished, so we all finished quickly. We went outside and played with the three dogs and we played on the trampoline.

Charlie's POV

I missed flipping on trampolines and having fun at gym, so I was happy that Katie let us go outside and play. I was the first on trampoline and I warmed up by doing a few aerials and jumps. I don't think they were good because I haven't done these in almost two months. Then, Annie and Hayley did some flips for their turn. I did some backtucks and front tucks.

"You said you were self taught, right?" Annie asked.

"Yeah. I've loved gymnastics ever since I was five years old," I said.

"Cool! What are the hardest skills you can do?" Hayley asked.

"On bars I can do a giant and a release move from low bar to high bar. On beam I can do a back handspring and a switch leap. On floor I have a layout and I'm trying to learn how to twist, and on vault I'm not as good as the other events because I've only ever done vault at open gym, but I have a half on and front handspring," I said, pretty proud of myself.

"Wow! I can help you learn to twist right now if you want," Annie offered.

"Really? I would love that!" I said, excited.

"Okay, so when you feel like you are upside down or coming off the floor, look to the way you want to twist, and your body will follow. If you are a righty look right and if you are a lefty look left," Annie said, then she demonstrated with a full twist.

"Okay," I said, then I jumped in the middle of the trampoline.

I did three jumps, then did a layout, and looked right. My body was following, and I landed facing the opposite way I started.

"Did I do it?" I asked.

"Yeah! It was a really good half twist!" Hayley and Annie said.

Then, Annie taught me some other stuff and Hayley left to go play with the dogs and other girls.

Skai's POV

The dogs were chasing us and it was so much fun, then we had to go inside and we could do pretty much whatever we wanted. I wanted to explore the bedroom, so I went upstairs and looked at the desk. I looked at the stuff in the drawers. In the bottom drawer, I found an iPad! I took it out. It was white and silver and it had a plain pink case. I turned it on and the screen saver was a picture of someone, I'm guessing Annie when she was younger. There was no password, so it was already unlocked. I looked at the games and there were a bunch. I played Easy Bake Oven for a little bit. I don't know where the others are, but I think they're in the basement. Well, I'm not worried about them that much as long as I get to do something along the lines of baking. I made some rainbow cupcakes with marshmallow frosting and put gummy bears on top. Then I put candles on top and pretended I was making cupcakes for someone's birthday. Then I ate the six cupcakes.

Okay, now I've spent half an hour on the iPad, so seriously, where are the others?

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