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Annie's POV

It's three days later, and today the foster kids come! I stepped out of bed and put on a light blue denim shirt with white Capri jeans and my light blue converse.

It's three days later, and today the foster kids come! I stepped out of bed and put on a light blue denim shirt with white Capri jeans and my light blue converse

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Then, I put my hair in Dutch braids and did some light blush and mascara. I snapped my streaks and put a selfie on Instagram, then went downstairs for a breakfast of a ham and cheese omelet and a cup of melon.

"I'm so excited mom!" Hayley smiled.

"Me too," she said back.

Then, dad came downstairs and we all had a conversation. Soon, it was 11:30am so we had to clean the house. H money and I did the bedrooms and living room, and mom and dad did the bathrooms and kitchen. When we were done with cleaning, we made sure everything was placed perfectly. We knew the kids wouldn't care, but our house needed to get a cleaning anyway. Soon, the doorbell rang.

Mom opened the door and a social worker and four girls stepped inside.

Charlie's POV

I really hope this foster home isn't like the others. My twin Madison and I were sent to an adoption center when we were born. Ever since we were four, we have been in foster care and our last foster parents were the best ones. They were going to adopt us but were sadly in a fatal car crash due to a drunk driver, so now we are here. I just hope this family is really nice! I love doing gymnastics and I am mostly self-taught, and the last foster parents always let me go to open gym on the weekends. I think I am around level 8/9, but I'm not sure.

Ginger-May's POV

Skai and I are only ten years old, but we have been in foster care for five years, ever since we were taken away. Our foster homes weren't the best, so I hope this one is better than the old ones.

Annie's POV

I remember what it's like to first step into some strangers house. I don't know what these girls have gone through in the past though, so I will treat them as kindly as kind can get.

When the girls walked in, they visibly had fear in their eyes. I felt so bad for them immediately, but I know people don't like pity, so I snapped out of it. Mom, dad, Hayley, and I greeted the girls and social worker, then we all sat on the couch. The girls were turning around and gazing at everything visible from the couch and marveling at the house. Once mom and dad talked to the worker for a few minutes, everyone introduced themselves.

"I'm Billy."

"I'm Katie."

"I'm Annie and I'm fourteen, but I kind of act more like I'm twelve," I said, and a girl slightly smiled.

"I'm Hayley and I'm ten, but my birthday is soon!" Hayley said.

"Girls, would you like to tell the nice family about yourselves?" The worker said.

"Uh, okay. Well, I'm Madison and I'm eleven," A girl with blue-green eyes and brown hair said.

"I'm Charlie and I'm Maddi's twin," A girl said, well, the identical twin.

"Umm, I'm Ginger-May, but call me Ginger, and Skai and me are twins," A really short girl with brown hair and hazel eyes said.

"Yeah. We're ten, Skai said. She has blue eyes and curly brown hair.

"Okay. Do you want to see your room?" I asked.

The girls nodded, so I took them upstairs with their belongings. As soon as we went into the room, their eyes sparkled with joy.

"You can have any bed and dresser you'd like," I said.

All the girls smiled. They sat down their stuff on the bed they wanted and started unpacking their bags and putting their things on/in the dressers. It felt awkward standing there watching them. I wanted to stay but I didn't want to make it look like I was a creep or something.

"If you want a snack or lunch just come down and ask," I said before leaving the room.

"Okay!" Skai said.

I walked downstairs and the social worker was gone. Hayley was eating a sandwich at the kitchen island.

"Hey mom. I know at least one girl is hungry, and they'll be downstairs once they finish unpacking," I said.

"Okay. Oh! Look! There they are," Mom said as the girls walked down the stairs.

Bye, I Guess... (Sequel and Third Book Included!)Where stories live. Discover now