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Quick recap: in the last chapter, the triplets were in sixth grade, and Abbie had recently gained more fame than her siblings from doing covers of songs. Hayley and Ryan have an adopted daughter named Jenna who's a baby, and Quinn and Allie are married and the twins are five years old.

Sadly, I had to do a time skip in order to keep the story going. Enjoy!

*three years later*

Abbie's POV

Freshman year is going pretty well so far. It's only October, so we've been in school for a little over a month, but I definitely love it more than middle school. I'm pretty popular, and I made the varsity cheer team, which is pretty impressive for a freshman. Sapphire no longer is in public school. She homeschools and does elite gymnastics now. Luca is still in school with me though, although we have no classes together because schools don't like to place twins or triplets or whatever in the same classes, which sucks. As annoying as Luca is, it'd be really nice to have a class with him.

Sadly, Angel and I have distanced a bit. We went from texting each other multiple times a day in middle school to barely texting each other once a week and rarely seeing each other outside of school. She didn't make the cheer team, and she had wanted to even more than I had. She spilled her iced coffee on the wrong person during the second week of school. She also talked shit about one of the cheer captains behind her back, and it happened to be one of my favorite people on the team, which forced a border between us. It was rough not having my best friend as my best friend anymore. I have a bunch of friends now though, but none of them are as close to me as Angel were.

So anyways, back to the point I wanted to make before going off on a tangent. I have my first boyfriend now!!! His name is Jason and he's on the baseball team. He's a sophomore, but that means we have no classes together, which sucks, but we have the same lunch, so we at least get to sit together. We've been together for around a month and he's been over to my house once, but that was when neither of my parents were home because I couldn't risk my parents meeting him yet—and get your mind out of the gutter. The most intimate thing we did was cuddle on top of my comforter while watching Netflix. Anyways, they know he exists because of Luca's stupid mouth, but I'd like to keep them from finding out he's two years older than me for as long as possible.

As for Sapphire, she hasn't met anyone yet. Sure, there's guys at her gym and she's been to two small parties with me this year with my school friends, but she's not into anyone, at least that I know of. Luca also doesn't have anyone either. He's moderately popular around our school, mostly because he's my brother, but he doesn't seem interested in any girls that talk to him in the halls or at lunch or stuff.

I'm gonna get right to the point. I'm going to a party tonight with my siblings. Jason invited me, but he said it's chill if they want to come too. He said practically all the popular kids from all the grades are going, so I should be there. It's at a junior named Kaitlyn's house and although her parents won't be home, she's established that no alcohol will be there—or let through the door, for that matter—since her parents don't drink and know about the party, so if any evidence is there, she's screwed.

jasie💗: hey i'm outside, parked in front of the house across from yours, are y'all ready?

me: yeah, I'll grab my sibs and be out in a second

I took one last look in the mirror at my outfit. I had on a plain white top tucked into a light blue plaid miniskirt. My shoes were Air Force 1s, which had recently made a comeback after being unpopular for the past decade, and my hair was in a high ponytail. I picked up my phone and went to Sapphire's room.

"Hey, Jason's here," I told her.

"Okay, I'm coming," she said. She was wearing a pale yellow crop top and hi-rise jeans with adidas, big hoop earrings, and her hair in a French braid.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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