Chapter 15: call log

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xRewera thank you for this cover! It's amazing!

Annachi's p.o.v

Everyone began to come into Ace's office. First it was Blaze and Tessa whom are both mates. Then it was Jada, Mark, and emmalyn. After them was Abe, Emma, Colton and Madelyn. Then came in sage, Jaylin, Derek, Scarlett, Altaïr, Alex, and Jasmine. Then last but not least Jacob.

"Don't kill Jacob. Do you want to give your speech or do you want me to?"

Tessa asked as she rolled her eyes. Her and Blaze were leaning on a small table in the corner. Blaze's arm was on the table while Tessa leaned in to him. Jacob was standing stunned in the door way with every alphas glare on him.

"Long story short I hate demitri and the rouge life. I don't want that and I'm willing to help for a decent life here."

He said as he showed his scars on his back. All the alphas looked at him for a minute more before he walked further in.

Jasmine came running in and Jacob growled. He turned around and looked at Jasmine. Their eyes locked and they stared at one another.


Jas whispered and sage shot up faster than anything. Jacob and Jasmine ran at one another and hugged each other in the middle.

"Sage, no. They are mates and there's nothing we can do about that."

Jaylin calmed sage down and he sighed and plopped back down in the chair he was sitting in.

"I'm Jas."

Jas said as she pulled away from Jacob. Jacob's eyes held love and adoration while he looked at Jas.

"Jacob, the rouge rouge."

He says as he kisses Jas's cheek. They take hold of each other's hands  and walk over next to Tessa and Blaze.

"Anyways why do you want us here Ace?"

Altaïr asked and Ace sighed as he sat in his chair. I stood next to him and he smiled at me.

"Demitri called and sent us a threat. His exact words were 'I am not a force to be reckoned with. I am fed up with all of your Allied pack business. I'm going to take down every pack. Torture each and every luna while the alpha watches. I'm gonna make you beg for death.'"

Ace said and kaden growled. I noticed he dosent have his mate with him. She is a fighter and is probably training her pack. Blaze moves to Tessa is pressed up against his chest. He holds her head to his chest while they hug each other. I can see Tessa's 'seriously' in her eyes. Abe holds Emma to him as well. Altaïr pulls alex onto his lap while sage holds Jaylin hand. This must really effect them.

"Let's take this to the conference room. We have lots to talk about and I don't believe this place is appropriate."

I speak out and everyone nods. We all walk up a flight of stairs and Into a large room. A long tan table with lots of black chairs is set in the middle of the room. Everyone takes a seat.

Ace is at the end with myself on his right. On Ace's left is Blaxe. Next to Blaze is Tessa and on the other side of her is Emmalyn then mark. To marks right sits Colton, Alex, and Altaïr.

To my right there is Jasmine, Jaylin, then sage. Next to sage there is kaden and Madelyn then there is Abraham, Scarlett, and Derek. Then there is Griffen, Jada, and Emma. Jacob didn't come with.

"What are we going to do about demitri's threat?"

Emma asks and everyone keeps thinking on a solution.

"Well for starters we know we're out numbered. Did we ever receive a reply from the United packs?"

Altaïr asks and all eyes divert to mark. He smirks and holds up a file.

"Right here is a call log between myself and alpha Wyatt."

He says as he opens up the folder. And lays it out on the table.

Alpha Mark: hello? This is alpha Mark.

Alpha Wyatt: This is alpha Wyatt of the Navy pack; fourth pack in the United packs. I have just received the message sent via air craft. This was the call number on it.

Alpha Mark: hello alpha Wyatt. This is alpha mark speaking. May I ask what your decision is for the requested help.

Alpha Wyatt: I have chosen to help. My daughter is your mate after all. This time I'm bringing my beta with me. We are loading up an armada of about 130 ships. Those are only war ships. We have about 300 supply ships and 100 passanger ships. My war ships are holding the maximum of 500 people and my passanger ships are holding the maximum of 1000 people. The supply ships are holding their maximum of 100 people. We are going to defeat this rouge king no matter the size of his army.

Alpha mark: I can't thank you enough for this Wyatt. This means more to the Allied packs than you could ever imagine. How many warriors are you bringing total?

Alpha Wyatt: let's see, out of only the war ships we have 65,000 warriors. Out of only the passanger ships we have 100,000 and out of only the supply ships we have 30,00. Add all those together we get 195,000 warriors.

Alpha mark: are you still on land?

Alpha wyatt: yes.

Alpha mark: we will need more, could you call on the other packs?

Alpha wyatt: I've already done it. The mountain pack is sending 150,000 warriors, the forest pack is sending 100,000 warriors, and the air pack is sending 250,000 warriors. That bumps our total warriors to 695,000 warriors. They are being sent on 464 war ships, 232 passanger ships, and 2,317 supply ships.

Alpha mark: thank you alpha Wyatt, so very very much. When will we see you?

Alpha wyatt: in about two weeks. We will dock in the prison pack. Emmalyn gave me a map last time I was there. Good day.

Alpha mark: very good day to you to alpha Wyatt.

"That was two weeks ago. He should be here any day now with his oh holy armada."

Mark said as he all looked at him with shocked faces. I turned to Ace with a shocked face.

"I just mind linked the pack, we are going to need a lot of land cleared to house 695,000 people."

Ace said and we all nodded.

"What do the gold markings on our sides really mean? They must mean something for every alpha child or a child of power to have one."

Jasmine asks and we all sigh. Altaïr stands up and looks at Ace.

"Where is your library?"

Altaïr asks with a idea hidden in his head.

"Down the hall."

Ace said and Altaïr bolted out. He came back in a few minutes with a large, old, dusty book in his hand.

"I know what they mean."

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