Chapter 67: second chance

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Annachi's p.o.v

I turned around in the arms of the one who made me feel this good again. But when I locked eyes with him I was shocked. My eyes locked with beautiful green ones.


I shout as I look apon Ace's best warrior. His brown hair was messed up a little and it looked super soft. I couldn't help but run my fingers through it.


He whispered out and i wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me into his body and I cried even more. But the only difference was that these tears were tears of joy, not sadness.

Ace would want me to be happy. It would hurt him but he would love for me to be happy about this. I have a second chance mate.

"I can't believe it."

He whispered in shock and happiness. I buried my face in the crook of his neck as I held him close to me.

"My second chance mate."

He whispers and I turn to look at him.  Everyone knows about Ace's death and how I appear to be taking it. But I never heard his story.


I ask him and he cups my cheek as he leans in and presses his lips to mine. I relish in the sparks that flood between us.

"My mate was killed in the bomb blasts here. My wolf told me to come and kill my luna. But all that stopped once I saw you crying. I knew you were mine. All mine."

He whispers and I cry a tear of happiness. He pulls me into him and I position myself on his lap so I'm straddling him. I cup his face with my hands and look into his eyes.

His green eyes had tears brimming them and I knew my eyes had tears as well. A smile was apon my lips as I stared into his eyes. A smile spread across his lips and a knock was sounded at the door.

"Who is it?"

Austin yells out at the door and I climb off him. I hold his hand as we both stand.

"Asher, beta of Griffen. Listen may I come in."

Asher said as Austin stepped in front of me. Asher was the mated beta of the loyalty pack.


I yelled out as I moved so I stood by Austin's side. He held my hand and Asher walked in with beta female Heather by his side. Heather is Jade's sister so she must be taking her death pretty hard.

"Who are you?"

Asher asked Austin and he growled at him. His wolf is being very protective over me and my wolf is slightly turned on by that.

"I'm Austin. Annachi's mate."

Austin said and Asher gasped. I looked between the two men confused. Why are they so shocked that I'm his mate?

"Do you know what that means?"

Heather asked me as she pushed some brown hair behind her shoulder.


I say but it comes out as a question. What's wrong with a warrior being my second chance mate?

"It means you can't be Luna any more."

Heather says and I gasp. I can't be Luna. I'm not a stuck up girl who wanted this position her whole life but I have grown accustomed to the position.


I ask them and Asher steps forward. Austin pushes me behind him in a protective manner.

"Because he can't be alpha. He dosent have alpha blood running through him. Alphas are born, Luna's are made."

Asher says and I nod slowly. Heather walks towards me and Austin growls. Asher growls at Austin which causes me to sigh.

"Testosterone filled idoits."

I mumble and Heather giggles. Male wolves have a higher Testosterone than humans. It's what forces the first shift, gives the instinct to mate, and causes the possessiveness.

"I understand. But I will still need to teach Ace's son's mate how to rule as luna."

I tell them and Heather and Asher furrow their eyebrows.

"Blaze is only 16. How can he have a mate at this young?"

Heather asks and I sigh. We kept our kids being mates a secret but we need to let it out now.

"They're part of a prophecy and they have special powers that helped us in battle. Blaze and Tessa are mates, Emmq and Abraham are mates, Madelyn and Colton are mates, and Jasmine and Jacob are mates."

I tell them and they gasp. I let the new information sink in before I begin to talk again.

"Is that allowed?"

I ask them and Austin let's a small smile grow on his lips. Heather and Asher chuckle and nod.

"I guess so. But we're ready to start demitri's torture."

Asher said and we all walked out of there. It's time to torture the man who hurt so many people.

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