Chapter 71: wanted

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Tessa's p.o.v

As Blaze and I ran back towards the prison pack I let down my mental barriers. I prepare myself for a major headache and lecture from my mom as well.

'Why did you block me out! I'm supposed to be with you! But no! You think you can handle it on your own! I could have helped you!'

My wolf surprisingly yelled at me. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I kept running. My wolf was always trying to keep the human side of me in check when she showed up. Often times she would try to help me handle the aftermath of whenever she came into things. She never did really get the hang of peace.

'Tessa are you okay?!'

Mom's voice rang into my mind. I sighed as I really didn't want to deal with this at the moment. But she is my mother and I love her so I listen to her lectures about life.

'Yes mother I'm fine. Blaze and I are on our way back right now.'

I tell her as I choose my choice of words carefully. If I say one wrong word I could end up with a major headache. I can't handle headaches and run at United pack speed.

'Ok, see you soon.'

Mom says as she leaves my mind. That went better than I thought it would. But then again, so far everything has gone better than I thought it would.

'Hey, Tessa?'

Blaze's voice rang through my head. I turned to look at him and he's keeping up pretty well. He does look like he is getting tired but he would tell me of he wanted to stop.

'Yeah Blaze?'

I ask him as other thoughts come through my mind. How will everyone react when I'm back home? What if Blaze chooses to talk about my break down? I hope he doesn't as that wasn't my finest moment.

'What happened back at the intelligence pack?'

He asks me and I sigh. I jump over a log and speed up. I don't hear Blaze following behind me so I look behind me and I see him jumping and shifting. He lands on my back as I speed up even more.

'I don't know.'

I tell him and I feel him grip my fur. I'm the best liar most people know. The only thing that gives me away is that I'll never break eye contact. I'm still working on that part.

'As your mate I can feel when your lying to me. If I wasn't your mate I would have believed you. So tell me what happened back there.'

He mind links back and I sigh. I feel us enter into the fear pack. How long have I been running for? It doesn't seem like that long.

'Blaze if there is one thing no one knows about me it's that when I say "I don't know" it means one of two things. One, I really don't know or two, I just don't want to talk about it.'

I speak to him and he sighs. Our conversation ends there as I speed up even more. Because mom is a united pack wolf we are faster and stronger than most. I would be faster than an alpha if dad was United pack. But I'm a mix of two areas of a realm. But at least I'm not a hybrid.

We cross the border into the prison pack and I look up at the sky. It's sun set now and we left at around noon. I made decent time. I've been running on the roads that connect the packs the whole day - well most of the day.

I make it into the town square of the prison pack. Many pack members from all of the packs are bustling about this area. When they see my wolf they all clear the area like to tomorrow.

Blaze hops off my back and I shift into my human form. He takes my hand as we walk Into the middle of the town square. I see a paper on the wooden structure and Blaze holds it as we both read it.



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