Chapter 37: camp

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Tessa's p.o.v

Noun/ verb

1.) A state of armed conflict between two or more different states or nations.
2.) A dispute that results in the death of many innocent lives that may leave lasting marks in a group or nation.

But what makes one war different from another war? The death total? What caused it? The aftermath of it?

What makes one war different from another? Death is death. Weather it be 10 lives or 10,000. Weather it be on land or sea. Lives will be lost. It's the circle of life.


Grandpa's voice rang in my mind. It snapped me out of my thoughts and I ran up next to Grandpa's running wolf.


I ask him as I jump over a log. The run to the valley of the great battle is about three days in wolf form or 4 days in a vehicle. But because I'm part United pack we are over half way their and we have been running for over and hour.

'You were falling behind. You alright?'

He asks me as his wolf turns his head to looks at me. His silver wolf is large and full of authority.

'Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking.'

Truthfully I wasn't lying. I was thinking he just dosent need to know about what.

'I take it you don't want me to know about what.'

He has to be able to read my mind.

'You are leaving your mental barriers down.'

Blaze chimed in and I gasped. Grandpa let out a wolf like chuckle and I placed my mental barriers back up.

We kept running and within 2 hours we were able to see the valley. This valley had lush green grass that has been matted down by the large elk that roam the area. On the far left side is demitri's camp. We can't see the camp but we can see the smoke. Based on the smoke alone we should expect a lot of rouges. Directly ahead of us is a large mountain range and beyond that is beach. Behind demitri's camp is a beach and on the other side of the valley it's the same thing.

We run into the valley and a loud howl is heard. This howl belongs to demitri himself. It's a war howl just like the one we let out before.

I howl back and soon everyone else joins me. We leave our war howl in the air as he spring off towards our end of the valley.

'I had some men return to the Nathan James and bring her down here. On bored we have our three choppers, more Wepons and food along with water and supplys. We also have about 3,500 men on bored to help unload and set up.'

James says through mind link. The Nathan James is Grandpa's best and favorite ship in his armada. She's number 151 and she is absolutely amazing.

As we approach the end of the valley i see tents and people walking about doing whatever it is they are doing. A large fire is going in the middle of the camp and men with guns are patrolling the perimeter of the camp.

I shift back and throw my cloths on over my body. Everyone does the same and we walk into the camp. Blaze takes hold of my hand as we walk in. Dante and Wolfe walk on either side of us with everyone else in the front.




Are passed around as we walk through the camp. Some people send blaze and I weird looks out of confusion. Some girls ogle my mate and he pulls me into his side. He move my hair away from my mark and I see some girls pout. Ha ha noobs!

We continue to walk through the camp till we approach a large white tent. Two men are standing guard and they let us all pass. Once inside the tent I see nine beds. Four of which are Queens and the others are a mix of a queen and a twin sized.

"Pick your beds. Couples get Queens the others can have the others."

Grandpa says as I look around some more. A small fire is going in the middle of the tent with rocks around it. The floor is dirt but it has some animal pelts laid out. There is a small cooler filled with food and water near each bed and the beds have a thick white blanket with a white pillow.

Blaze leads me towards the far back wall. We pick that bed there and next to us is James and Remi. Next to them is Emma and Abe then Thea and tex. Grandpa, Dante, Wolfe, and another man have the other beds that are across the room. Still one bed is open.

"Before I forget this is Deven, he's a warrior in the pack and he's one of my close friends."

Grandpa says as Deven waves. Deven is tall and muscular with greying brown hair and green eyes. We all nod back and I sit on the bed.

"Tessa, Blaze, Dante, I want you all to go walk around and get acquainted with the other younger warriors. It will be good for the battle."

Grandpa says and Blaze's and I stand. Dante follows us out of the tent and a small crowd of people have already surrounded us.


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