Chapter 36: howl of war

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Annachi's p.o.v

He sat there with a smirk on his face. His lips held a happy smirk, his eyes gleamed with disbelief, and his scent was one of arousal. It turned my wolf on and I couldn't be happier.


He says as he pulls me onto his lap. I straddle him as my hands tangle themselves in his hair. His hands are on my hips to help steady me.

He leans in and presses his lips to mine. I let out a small moan of plusure as he gently nips at my bottom lip. I open my mouth and his tongue dives into my mouth.

We pull away for air and he moves to kiss my neck. He nips and sucks all over it.

"If demitri wasn't going to attack us in would gladly take you right now and make you scream. But if you scream, people will think something is wrong."

He says into my ear and he kisses the place where he will mark me. I moan softly in his ear and he groans. I feel his canines enlarge against my skin. He kisses my lips with his canines enlarged. They skim my lips and I unknowingly push my hips against his.

"I'm going to claim what's mine."

He whispers into my mouth. I smile at being called his. He sucks on the area where my neck and shoulder connect. He pulls away and I give him a small nod. He growls and bites into my neck.

At first I feel a sharp, hot, searing pain. It's unbearable but as soon as it's there it's gone; plusure overcame the pain.

My hips grind against Ace's. My body is in ecstasy at his touch. He groans in plusure as he pulls away. I kiss his lips and allow my lips to trail down his neck. I feel my wolf surface and my canines enlarge. I nip and scrape my canines along his shoulder. He groans and grips my hips harder.

"Stop teasing me."

He groans and I bite into his neck. He gasps but growls in approval after. Sparks flood my body like a broken dam floods a city. I moan as I pull away. I kiss away the blood that comes out and turn to look back into the eyes of my mate.


He whispers and I smile. He leans his forehead against mine and closes his eyes. His hand snakes it's way around my neck as he holds my forehead to his.


I whisper as I do the same thing to him. He smiles and I peck his lips. A knock at our door is heard and I sigh and get up to get it.

I open the door and standing there is Blaze and Tessa. I smile at them and they smile back.

"Could we possibly talk?"

Blaze asks and I nod. I open the door wider to let them in. They walk in and stand so they face Ace and i. Ace walks over to my side so we both stand facing them.

"We want to apologize for everything."

Tessa begins and I smile. I see a lot of luna worthy qualities in her. She's stubborn but also willing to listen to others ideas. She's strong and brave yet also gentle and kind. Tessa is able to admit when she's wrong and she's able to be humble. The ability for humility.

"I still don't quite see the error of my ways but I have tried to see it from your point of view. I can see that you only want what's best for me and that I'm making it a little difficult. I know you don't think it was in my best interest to mark my mate at such a young age and I now know why. You didn't want her going through heat and forcing me to complete the mating process. Romen has talked to the moon goddess and convinced her to hold back the heat off of all the leaders."

Blaze spoke as he held Tessa's hand. Hearing that she won't suffer heat till she's older is amazing news. It causes me to feel like an weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"We truly are sorry for our actions but we don't regret them. We see it from your point of view and we now understand. Will you forgive us?"

Tessa asks out and I smile. She knows how to put together a convincing apology that's for sure.

"I forgive you. You are after all, Blaze's mate."

I tell her and she smiles. She walks up to me and pulls me into a hug. I smile and hug back. So this leader is a hugger!

"Thank you!"

She says as she pulls away. Blazs and Ace do that weird man hug thing with smiles on their faces.

"Thanks a lot guys."

Blaze says as he grabs Tessa's hand and walks out. I turn to Ace and he smiles down at me.

"Everything would honestly be perfect."

I whisper and Ace nods.

"It would and it will. We should get going though. Most of the trucks are packed up."

Ace says and I nod. We begin to walk downstairs and outside. All the trucks are full and some kids are climbing in.

We are bringing teens 13 and up along. Strong female teens will be granted the ability to fight along side everyone else. As for the male teens they will be forced to fight. For everyone else under the age of 13 they will stay here, underground with some older pack members.

I look around and see all of the alphas kids shifting into their wolves. Dante and Wolfe have been dragged into their little friend circle. Wyatt, Tex, Remi, James, Thea, and another man shifts into their wolves. The United Pack wolves are huge! Their taller than an alphas wolf and sure look stronger. Tessa has a wolf close to their size because of her mom. Emmalyn is Wyatt's daughter

"Come now, let's go."

Ace says as he leads to towards a black truck. We climb in and the engine gets turned over.

The wolves run ahead of all the trucks. I notice that Tessa and Blaze's gold marks seem brighter than before. It must be from their marking. Emma and Abe's marks glow brighter as well. They must have also mark each other.

Tessa, Blaze, Wyatt, Tex, Aven, Emily, Thea, James, and Remi all let out a loud howl. This howl is a battle howl. A war howl.

A howl that makes your blood run cold.

It's a declaration of war.

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