Chapter 32: powers (Part 4)

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Jasmine's p.o.v

Jacob and I held hands as we followed my non-related uncle to wherever he was leading us. I just call him my uncle because he and my father are just that close of friends. Altaïr led us near the bay on the south western side of the pack. He pulled out a small notepad and a pen.

"Jacob how would you describe your personality using an element or a side element?"

Altaïr asked my mate and he began to think.

"I'm guessing Decoy maybe?"

Jacob said but it sounded more like a question. I smiled at his awkwardness. Altaïr wrote it down and turned his focus to me.

"Jas how would you describe your personality using an element or a side element?"

Altaïr asked me and I began to think. There is a lesser known side element, levitation.

"Levitation because it's a lesser known side element. Much like myself and my mate."

I tell Altaïr and he writes it down. I hear a twig snap and I turn my attention to where the sound came from. I saw a woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her skin was tanner to perfection and her walk was graceful.


The blonde lady addressed him and he nodded back to her.


Altaïr spoke back to her and she nodded back. She took the note pad from him and read it.

She walked up to me and grabbed my hand in her's. She placed two fingers on my forehead as well.


She whisperer and I didn't feel any different. She looked into my eyes and nodded. It was a weird feeling that came through me but it left all the same. She went over to Jacob and took his hand in hers as she placed two fingers on his forehead.


She whispered and Jacob stepped back as he shook his head. His eyes were wide and a smile was on his face.


Is all he said as he stepped back up next to me. Our attention was on Romen and nothing else.

"Now, Jasmine, you have the levitation power. All you need to do is think of what you want to levitate and it will. As you have just got your powers you should only start with small things. So close your eyes and try it."

Romen said and I nodded. I closed my eyes and imagined a handful of sand floating in the air.

"Very good Jasmine."

Romen said and I opened my eyes and saw the floating sand. I poked it with my finger as I stopped thinking about it. It still kept floating!

"Now Jacob, you chose decoy for a power. What I want you to do is think of something standing next to you. Think of how it would act and what it would look like."

Romen said and I watched as Jacob closed his eyes. A soft blue haze surrounded the space next to Jacob. It was gone as soon as it came and in its place stood a woman with long black hair, pale skin, and beautiful brown and grey eyes.

"Jacob who is this?"

Romen asked and Jacob opened his eyes. He smiled as he looked apon his Decoy.

"My mother."

She said as he smiled. Romen smiled as well and I grabbed his hand.

"The Decoy won't be able to do anything unless you tell it to. It is mindless and obeys your every order. Just think of what you want it to do."

Romen said and the Decoy walked towards me and shook my hand.

"Hello, I'm Jacob's mother."

She said and i smiled. Jacob couldn't help the smile that crossed his face.

"To make the Decoy go away you just need to tell it to."

Romen said and Jacob sighed.

"Good bye mother."

Jacob said and I squeezed his hand. The Decoy waved as it vanished.

"To lower your sand just imagine it falling."

Romen told me and I watched as the sand fell to the ground.

"To use your powers together you need to hold hands, which your already doing, and think of what you want to create. Even if you both have different ideas both of your ideas will come true."

Romen said and I closed my eyes as I imagined what I wanted to see. I imagined a pile of rocks floating in the air with a girl throwing one.

I opened my eyes two see two figures. My figure of a girl throwing rocks at the sea and Jacob's figure. Jacob's figure was of him handing me flowers with stars floating above us. I smiled and he smiled back at me.

"To stop this all you need to do is imagine the rocks falling with the Stars and the decoys vanishing."

Romen said and I imagined that. Everything fell to the ground or vanished. Romen gathered our attention yet again.

"Your able to use your personal powers separately as long as both of you are alive. But to use them together you must hold hands. Everyone has a different power that can be used. I'll go over your powers more with you tomorrow."

Romen said and she vanished. I imagined a cloud of sand that was flying through the sky and landing near the shore. I chose to take off after it and when I saw Emma and Abraham I gasped.


I yelled as I ran up to them. They coughed and turned their focus on me.

"Your able to move small things?"

Emma asked and I nodded.


I tell her and we laugh.

'Pack house now! Romen has something to say to all of you.'

Derek spoke through the mind links. We all shifted and ran back towards the back house.

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