Chapter 70: After the chase

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Emma's p.o.v

I watched as Tessa shifted and ran off. Blaze jumped and shifted mid air just like she did before following after her. Everything happened so fast and I can't believe that Annachi found another mate already. Part of me doesn't approve and the other part doesn't know what to think.


Abe's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. His hold on my hand hasn't loosened ever since Tessa's out burst. I personally totally ship Blassa.


I ask Abraham and a small smile crosses his face. He looks back out apon the murmuring crowd and I follow his gaze. Everyone is whispering to each other and staring at us in shock.

"Attention everyone please!"

Jasmine walks up towards the front as she shouts. She holds her hands up in the air to quiet everyone down.

"Blaze will bring her back just have patience. But until then we will with hold demitri's execution. Tessa and Blaze are the ones who staged this whole thing and they should be here for it."

Jasmine yells and groans are heard throughout the crowd. I lead Aven off the wooden structure and he leads me into the pack house. He leads me up to our room which we got when they found out we were mates.

Our room was simple. It had tan walls with brown carpet. The bed was on the far side of the room and it has white pillows and blankets. Everything else was normal as well.

"I can't wait for all this to be officially over!"

Abraham exclaimed as he fell onto the bed. I laughed and climbed in next to him. He wrapped an arm around me and I laid my head on his chest.

"I want to go out on a run. Just a normal run with the both of us."

I tell him and he looks into my green eyes with a smile. His brown eyes glimmer with the natural lighting that shines into the room.

"Sure, let's go."

He says and we both climb out of bed. I change into a blank tank top and shorts while Abe changes into some camouflage shorts.

"Hey, Emma have you seen my shorts?"

Abe asks and I roll my eyes. I laugh as we walk along at his miserable attempts to make me pee my pants laughing. But after 10 minutes of this torture we finally made it to the woods.

"I see London, I see France, I see Emma's-"

"Finish that sentence and you will feel the wrath of the shortness."

I tell him as I laugh. He laughs along with me and we both shift into our wolves. My white wolf and his brown wolf lock eyes and we begin our run.

Madelyn's p.o.v

I was standing on the platform when Tessa had her outburst. I took note of the tears in her eyes and all the bent up emotion that's now pouring out of her. She jumped and shifted as she high tailed it out of here. Blazd sighed and followed after her. I do not know how long it will be before I see either of them again but I do know that they will both be safe.

Colton and I left right after so we didn't hear the whole speech that jade was giving. Cole and I walk into the pack house and sit down in the living room. Colton wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we sat on the couch.

I began to think about all that's happened since I came here. We were originally supposed to just talk about what to do with demitri but that turned into a war. I found out Mark, emmalyn, and Tessa are my family. Mark being my dead uncle, emmalyn being my aunt, and Tessa being my cousin. The United packs came and helped up fight which lead to Tessa meeting her grandpa and uncle.

From there we found out about our powers and began to master them. When we went out to war we lost seven great leaders. My mom included. We lost Alex, Altaïr, Raven or my mom, Jaylin, Mark, Jada, and Ace. The only person who didn't loose a loved one was Abraham.

Then when we return everything is some what in ruins. But we patched all that up rather quickly. Annachi found a second chance mate all too soon and Tessa had a major outburst over it. Blaze followed her out and now we are at a loss on what to do. Demitri lives another day and we can't go through with anything until Tessa and Blaze arrive back.

"What are you thinking about?"

Cole whispers to me and I look towards him. I lay my head on his shoulder as I sigh.

"Nothing much."

I tell him and he sighs as well.

"Your a terrible liar but whatever."

He replies back and I smile. Today a lot happened but I know there will be a tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow is when demitri's torture will begin.

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