Chapter 76: speeches with tears

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Blaze's p.o.v

Tessa and I just sit in our seats as we wait for everyone to arrive. I can hear her uneven and ragged breath as she tries so hold back the tears. It's one of her major flaws; she can't express emotion. Can't or won't?

Finally the preacher man comes to the front and stands behind the podium. He placed his hands on the sides on the podium as he speaks. I look around and notice that everyone is here. We managed to fit nearly everyone from every pack here. Some are sitting on people's shoulders though.

"I, along with the children and mates, thank you all for gathering here today to celebrate the lives of these brave men and women. They gave their life so that we may all live in peace and with out fear. We all owe them so much but we will never have the chance to thank them.

Luna alex was the first one to go. She died from bleeding out. The second to go was Luna Raven. She passed away from being stabbed in the heart. Luna Jaylin was the third to pass away. She was decapitated by a Rouge after her mate and jade tried to stop them. Alpha Mark was the fourth one to leave us. He was pinned down by two rouges and his neck was mauled. Luna Jada was the fifth to leave us. She died from third degree burns all over her body. The sixth and seventh are alphas Ace and Altaïr. Both of them gave their lives so that we could kill demitri.

Now the children of each fallen leader will give a speech about their parents. The mates that were able to make it today will also give a speech."

The preacher said and no one moved. I stood up and kissed the top of Tessa's head before I walked towards the podium.

"My father was a strong man. He lead the pack well and was an amazing leader. He sacrificed himself for everyone's life here in this room and in this land. The best way he could show his love to all of us, was through that way. I know Annachi will pass soon from a broken heart, but I will cherish every moment I have with her. Dad, I will always rember you for you are never gone until you are forgotten."

I give my speech as some tears fall out of my eyes. I take out a folded up picture out of my pocket. I unfold it and look down at it. It's a picture of my dad and I in our wolf forms after we took down a large black bear. I place the photo in his hand as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

I walk back and sit next to Tessa. She kisses my cheek and walks to the podium.

"My father, Alpha Mark, couldn't have lived a better life. He was intelligent, kind, patient, and so many other things. I could only wish to lead the pack as well as he did. My mother passed earlier this morning from a broken heart. I didn't even get to say 'I love you mom' for the last time. She killed herself while I was on the way here! Dad I just wanted to say I love you and good bye."

She tells everyone as tears fall one by one down her eyes. She takes something out of her pocket and placed it in marks hands. She sits back down next to he and I kiss away her tears. Emma is the next one to go up.

"My mother was energetic. She would always find a way to annoy my father or make me smile. I can imagine her saying 'Emma, do me a favor and annoy Griffen for me'. I know I won't be able to keep my father with me and I will soon have to take up the role as pack leader. I promise though that I will try my hardest. Mommy, I love you."

She gives her speech and she presses a kiss to Jada's head. She walks back and sits next to Abraham. He wraps his arms around her as she cries. Both Tessa and I still have some tears falling. Jade walks up next.

"My mother, Luna Jaylin, was always a problem solver and encourager. I was told stories about her life as a kid. They were wonderful. Anyone could tell her anything and she would have a comeback to shut them up at ready. I will miss the shouts of sudden laughter that will make me jump. I will miss the comebacks I always thought were stupid. I will miss my mother. But I promise all of you I will do my best to lead these packs to greatness."

Jasmine says as some tears fall out of her eyes. She walks back to Jacob who wraps her in his arms. Madelyn walks up to the podium and looks down.

"My mother was an amazing warrior and an even better luna. She was kind, patient, understanding. She was everything anyone would want to be. Her happiness was undeniable and her encouraging personality is unquestionable. My dad and I have been taking her death very hard. When she came stumbling into my medical bay I knew she wouldn't make it out alive. But I tried everything I could to save her. Mom, I promise you I will do everything I can to help these packs and to do everything I can to save every one of them."

Madelyn says as she walks back. Colton walks up and he already has tears streaming down his face.

"I- I can't do this. I won't be able to lead like mom and dad have. I -I-i can't even give a proper speech at the moment. But dad, mom, I love you."

Is all Cole says before he walks back and into Madelyn's arms. The preacher walks back up to the podium and sighs.

"May we all pay our respects once more before we close the caskets."

The preacher says and looks at us. I take Tessa's hand and lead her past everyone once more. She presses a kiss to her father's head and I see that she placed a wolf's head necklace in his hand. We all walk back to our seats and wait till everyone has gone through.

The choir began to sing Amazing Grace as our most loyal warriors came up dressing in their uniform. They are dressed like a united States Marine.

They shut the caskets and placed a white flag in top. On the flag it had a tribal wolf head and had 'Allied Packs leader and warrior' written in cursive.

Abraham, Colton, and I all walked over to a casket. Abe was helping carry Jada's, I was going to carry my father's, and Cole carried Alex's. We all had the warriors on our sides as we carried them out of the room and towards the many hearses outside.

It was pouring down rain and it matched our mood. Soon I see Tessa walk out as we loaded her father into the back of a hearse. She ran into my arms crying her eyes out. I cried along with her as we held each other.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see..... Marc! Emma's adoptive brother!


Tessa screams as she hugs him. They were best friends until he went missing.

"Where we're you?!"

She yells as tears still fall down her face.

"I was entered in as a Rouge but I'm here now."

He says and Emma runs up to him. He gets pulled away from us by her and we walk towards a black limo. We get inside and Tessa lays her head on my shoulder. We wait for everyone else to come in before we drive away from the funeral home.

The ride to the cemetery was silent and once we got there it was terrible. Tessa broke down into tears as her father was lowered into the ground. Emma clung to mark and Abraham as she cried. Jasmine hugged Jacob tight and Madelyn and Colton cried in each others arms.

Tessa and I had to leave because it was getting to much for everyone. We rode back to the pack house and I carried Tessa up to our room. I laid her down and climbed in next to her. She clung to me as we both cried.

Later today we will see the end of the man who brought this pain. I will gladly lend a hand in his demise.

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