Chapter 54: sickening Crack

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Blaze's p.o.v

As Tessa and I watched the bomb fall on the rouges we heard the guards take marks body away. I'm surprised Tessa didn't cry like I thought she would. Instead she showed no emotion, though her breathing gave her away. Her deep breaths told me she wanted to cry but she held it in. Her eyes blinked away the tears that wanted to fall. But she held the emotions in. I know she will break, just not now though.

"We're awaiting your signal."

Tessa's radio went off and I looked at her confused. She smirked at me and pressed the radio to her lips.

"In three minutes."

She says into the radio and we get to response. She turns to me with a smirk on her face.

"What are you planning?"

I ask her carefully as I don't know what she has up her sleeve. But she pulls a glove put of her pocket and slides it on her hands. She then pulls out a silver grenade.

"There are 20 people surrounding a large group of rouges. On my signal we all throw one of these in. Then we imeaditly put on gas masks. These grenades are not only made of silver but they also have wolfsbane inside them. So if the shrapnel dosent kill you the gas wolfsbane will."

She says as she gets up and walks  down the forests edge a little. I follow her and she stops when we see the entrance to the rouge camp.

She places her gas mask on and pulls the radio from her belt. I place my gas mask on as well.


Is all Tessa says into the radio before she rips the top off the grenade and throws it into the group of rouges. I see 20 more flashes of silver go off and a very loud boom is heard. Tessa runs into the gas with her gas mask on and starts shooting rouges.

After about 10 minutes the gas clears and we take off our gas masks. I look around and see a lot of dead rouges. But what catches my eye along with everyone elses is what's in front of us.

In front of us stands Demitri and his beta. His beta has Altaïr on his knees and Demitri has my dad on his knees as well. Everyone raises their guns at both men in front of us.

"Now now boys, and girl. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Ace and Altaïr now would we?"

Demitri taunts and I growl. Demitri has Dad's head held with one hand on the side of his chin and the other on the opposite side of his head. The position used if your going to snap someone's neck. Altaïr kneels in the same position.

"What do you want Demitri?"

Tessa yells at the two men and the beta chuckles an evil chuckle. Demitri and his beta lock eyes with sadistic smirks on their faces.

"I want many things. A bigger castle, more kids, oh and your surrender. And your life."

Demitri says and I growl.

"Don't listen to them! Tessa, Blaze don't give in!"

Dad tries to yell but it's muffled by demitri's hold on him. Everyone growls and both men tighten their hold on the two alphas.

"One wrong move and I kill them both."

The beta says and Tessa holds her gun still. I look over and notice that her gun isn't a bullet gun, it's a net gun. She's aimed at demitri so when she shoots him the net will tangle itself around him and trap him.

"We will never surrender to the likes of vermin like you!"

Altaïr growls and Demitri chuckles.

"Wrong move."

The beta says as he snaps Altaïr's neck. I hear Colton's pain howl as I shoot the beta. A sickening Crack is heard and Tessa fire's off her net gun. I look over and see that my father has his head turned around 180 degrees.

A shattering pain filled my chest as my father dies. I howl out in pain and I hear Annachi join me. The 20 men that were with Tessa tackle demitri so he can't move. Tessa throws Her gun on the ground and runs to me.

She kneels in front of me and pulls me into her. Hot tears stream down my face as I cry into her shoulder. She holds me close to her as I wrap my arms around her.

I look up into my mates brown eyes as she looks down at me. She stands up and makes sure my back is to my father's dead body. She takes my hand as I cry and leads me across the battlefield.

My father didn't even get to say his final words. I knew he died loving Annachi and me. He loved his pack and he loved everyone even if he didn't show it often. He died doing the right thing.

Even though he's dead I couldn't be prouder to have called him father.

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