Chapter 41: battle plans

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Jasmine's p.o.v

Demitri's war howl could be heard through out the entire valley. Of course he would choose to attack at this time. We just finished setting up and we're all tired.

"We will go and see what's up."

Tessa yelled and all eyes turned to her and Blaze. Cole and Madelyn stood next to them and Jacob dragged me over.

"What are you doing?!"

I whisper shouted at him and he turned to me with a 'seriously' type look.

"Going to stand next to our friends."

Jacob whispered back and I sighed and went with him. He dragged us next to Blaze and Tessa and all eyes were on us.

"We will go as well."

I spoke out and Wyatt and all the alphas stepped forward.

"No your not. You guys will not be fighting."

Wyatt said and I noticed Tessa's eyes glow orange. Colton's glowed a bright yellow and Madelyn's glowed a bright pink. Blaze's turned red and Jacob's turned blue and I felt mine turn to indigo.

"We will fight! We will fight for our home, family, and friends!"

Tessa roared and Derek and Griffen growled back at her. Man, those two don't take well to her growling.

"No your not! We need you alive in case we die!"

Mark joined in and Tessa growled out. I need to stop this before someone kills someone.

"Okay guys break it up."

Abe buts in before I can and I'm fine with that. He is a natural at peace making.

"Tessa just drop it, we will need you here. But listen. Do you hear that?"

Abe asks and I listen as well. I hear nothing, no thudding paws on the ground, no war howl, nothing.

"Hear what?"

Tessa asks as her eyes slowly go back to normal but imeaditly bounce back to red. Something is wrong and I don't know what.

"Exactly. That was a Decoy call. He wanted us to go out their so he could possibly kill us all. See, we're smarter than that. Now I think all of us are tired so we should all go to sleep."

Abe shouted out and some people left. Tessa, Blaze, Emma, Abe, Madelyn, Colton, Jacob and I were all ushered into a tent.  This tent had unmade beds and a small fire going. This must be the tent where Wyatt sleeps.

"Okay guys so tomorrow is going to be a big day. We might go to war tomorrow and I wanted to address this to you all. I have some of you helping out in diffrent areas tonight to prepare for our battle.

Emma you will be going towards the medical bays and helping set up there. During the battle you will stay their and help heal people with your powers.

Abe you will be back here at base camp. You will effect the weather for both sides but only for short periods as I know the powers really take it out on you. When the battle starts I want you to surround our side with fog, make it appear thick to demitri though.

Jacob you will be making decoys that cause our army to seem larger than they are. You should be able to make decoys that can act as real wolves and help us fight. You will be at base camp with Aven.

Jasmine I want you on the out side of the battle. You will be levitating injured soldiers to the various medical bays around the battle. Hopefully they won't be to much to lift because most will be in wolf form.

Madelyn I want you helping in the medical bay unless your needed. When your needed you will need to use your water power to help push back demitri's forces.

Colton when we're done here I want you to go out into the battle field and create trenches. These trenches will be used to hide my gun men and provide underground medical bays for wounded soliders.

Blaze you and Tessa will be working together to fire off those fire things. I also want you working with Aven at one point in the battle to cause fire rain if that's possible.

But I never want you guys out fighting with my men. This battle will be to dangerous and I don't want any of you to get hurt. Your parents already approved of your battle stations and it's set that you will be doing that."

Wyatt spoke to each of us and we all nodded. I can see that glint in both Tessa and Blaze's eyes that they won't listen. I look over to my mate to see he has it to. I'm already not going to do as told.

What? I'm a rebel.

Emma, Abe, Madelyn and Cole all also have that same rebellious glint in their eyes. I'm surprised Wyatt hasn't managed to see it!

"I'm going to check on everyone else. Colton I'll be back to get you in about an hour."

Wyatt says and he walks out. All of us look at one another with that glint never leaving our eyes.

"I'm not gonna listen."

We all say at the same time and we all burst out in laughter. My wolf has been a little, I don't know how to describe it, off lately. It's like she's preparing her self for something bad to come.

But, I'll have to wait and see.

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