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-Tsuna's POV-

Morning came and I woke up to find myself staring at the surprised face of my mother, my father and a boy with an identical face as mine, except his eyes were sky blue ones and his hair was more tamed compared to mine.

'He must be my older twin brother, um.....What's his name again......Ah, Sawada Natsume.' Memories of him popped up in my head, mostly unpleasant ones. Reminding me of all the suffering he put me through, or rather my parallel self through. But I push that away for now, first impressions are important.

I got out of bed and walked towards them to show that I was capable of walking again and with my best effort; I tilted my head and smiled the biggest smile I've ever made towards them.

"Ohayou! Kaa-san, Tou-san and Natsu-kun!Thanks so much for coming to see me~" Though my voice is still hoarse, I tried to sound as cheerful as I could.

They said nothing but continued to stare in shock at me. The first to recover was my brother, but what he said next was not pleasant and I preferred if he kept his mouth shut.

"Well, the little sleeping beauty has woken up. Took you long enough. If you want to sleep so much, you could have continued sleeping to your afterlife." He sneered.

I looked at my parents, but they made no move to correct his son, instead Iemitsu-san just smiled, as though he was proud of him for saying that, while Nana-san just stayed quiet.

I felt my heart sink, though I already know how they are like from my parallel self's memories, a small part of me still hope that they might change for the better once they see that their son is awake and alive

But nope. They're still the same.

After being discharged from the hospital, the walk home was a silent one. My 'parents' and Natsu-kun walked in front while I stayed at the back, alone. They are obviously ignoring me while Natsu-kun kept throwing glares at me over his shoulder. 'I wonder why in the world does he hate me so much?'

When we reached home, they just ignored me and carried about their day as always. But that's fine with me; I have much more important things to do anyway. I went upstairs to my room at the end of the hall and locked the door. I looked around my room, relieved that no one has touched anything in it, not like they bothered to check the room since they were so busy ignoring their younger son.

My room is just as how I remembered, a bed near the window, a small study table and chair at the side and a closet with only a school uniform and a few sets of everyday clothes. I gazed at the Namimori school uniform with nostalgia. Everything started at this school, the friends that I've met, the bonds that I've made and the hardships I've face. Everything came from here; Namimori Middle school. The school where I'll be attending again starting from tomorrow.

'Will I get to meet everyone again? How should I face them?'

But I had to remind myself that this is the parallel world and though they look identical, they are not my friends, they are strangers here.....

'But that doesn't mean I can't make them my friends again.' I thought with glee. 'Maybe then, we could be just like how we use to be again!'

Putting that aside, I look at the main thing that this world Tsuna wanted me to have. Hidden inside one of his closet drawers, was an orange pacifier. I took it out of the drawer and immediately, it started glowing bright orange. It felt warm to my touch and I felt as though, it's welcoming me to this world.

'So here, I'm the Sky Arcobaleno huh....This is going to be interesting.....'

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